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The winter holiday and Chinese New Year vacation used to be a great time for people in China to travel abroad and go see friends and family in other parts of the world. However, because of the pesky virus, leaving the country and coming back requires a lengthy time in isolation and being allowed back in at all is a risk we all face.


In November 2021, Michael Pennington did what precious few of us have done since COVID-19 was discovered in Wuhan in 2020: go home and then return to China. It was a lengthy and costly process and Pennington has exclusively shared his comprehensive guide for travel out of and back into China with That’s.

2021年11月,迈克尔 · 彭宁顿做了自2020年在武汉发现新冠病毒疾病以来我们很少有人做过的事情: 回家,然后返回中国。这是一个漫长而昂贵的过程,Pennington 独家分享了他出入中国的全面指南。

It’s important to note that Pennington is fully vaccinated with China’s Sinopharm vaccine and holds both a work visa and residence permit. These two key criteria enabled him to “easily” return to China. Please note that if you are vaccinated with a non-Chinese vaccine and or do not have a work visa or residence permit, these processes and procedures would not apply.

值得注意的是,Pennington 已经完全接种了中国国药疫苗,并且持有工作签证和居留许可。这两个关键标准使他能够“轻松”返回中国。请注意,如果你接种了非中国疫苗,并且或者没有工作签证或居留许可,这些程序将不适用。

Please note that Pennington wrote this article during his time in the UK and in quarantine in Novemeber 2021. What he states was accurate to rules and regulations at that time. Travel restrictions due to COVID-19 regularly change. Furthermore, depending on what country you wish to travel to, some of these rules may be different. Double check what regulations are in place in your final destination before planning your trip.

请注意,这篇文章是 Pennington 在2021年11月在英国隔离期间写的。他所陈述的内容符合当时的规章制度。新冠病毒疾病导致的旅行限制经常改变。此外,取决于你想去哪个国家旅行,一些规定可能会有所不同。在计划你的旅行之前,仔细检查你的最终目的地有哪些规定。

Planning and Booking the Trip


Before you do anything, your work visa and residence permit should have a few months remaining, you may need to extend your trip due to unforeseen circumstances (testing positive for COVID-19, for example).


As soon as I was fully vaccinated with Sinopharm in April 2021, I started to look at flights. There are plenty of options for flying from China to the UK. By contrast, there are not so many options for a return flight. Be careful when booking your return flight; some airports cannot accommodate the COVID-19 testing requirements needed for passengers flying to China.


When it comes to buying your ticket, my advice would be to book a return flight (China-UK-China) with the same airline. One-way flight tickets start from more than RMB25,000. Make sure to book your return flight to China as one ticket. I booked with Scandinavian Airlines to London Heathrow via Copenhagen, and returned from Manchester via Copenhagen. My flight was RMB18,000 and I booked it around two months in advance.


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