“I ask that the people of the United States mark these National Days of Prayer and Remembrance with prayer, contemplation, memorial services, the visiting of memorials, the ringing of bells, and evening candlelight remembrance vigils. I invite all people around the world to share in these Days of Prayer and Remembrance.” Presidential Proclamation, National Days of Prayer and Remembrance, 2019, to mark the 18th anniversary of September 11, 2001 link: https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/presidential-proclamation-national-days-prayer-remembrance-2019/
Eighteen years ago, on September 11, 2001, the world watched in horror at the attacks on the United States. It was an attack on our nation, on our people, and on our free and open society. The outpouring of global support America experienced in the days and weeks that followed was something I, personally, will never forget. The world recognized it was not just the United States under attack, but the very concept of a free and open society. Today, I reflect on the enduring quality of those fundamental freedoms and values that we continue to protect and share. Though today is a serious day, I hope it is also an inspiring day.
Ambassador Branstad, September 11, 2019
每一年,美国人在2001年9月11日恐怖主义分子袭击美国的周年日,在全国各地的纪念场所举行活动。人们驻足凝心,悼念将近3000名那一天在纽约(New York)、弗吉尼亚(Virginia)和宾夕法尼亚(Pennsylvania)遇难的人。除了在上述现场三地以外,美国其他城市村镇每年也举行9/11纪念活动,并在各地建有纪念碑,追悼亡人。
(左: © Jeff Swensen/Getty Images. 右: © Gene J. Puskar/AP Images)
在9月11日美国联合航空公司93号航班(United Airlines Flight 93)坠毁的宾夕法尼亚州尚克斯维尔(Shanksville),人们穿过田野走向勇士墙(Wall of Names)纪念地。他们刚刚聆听完川普(Trump)总统在93号航班国家纪念碑(Flight 93 National Memorial)前的讲话。右图中,一女子站在纪念40位遇难者的勇士墙前。
(左: © Andres Kudacki/AP Images. 右: © Joshua Roberts/Reuters)一架直升机飞经展现在纽约市曼哈顿下城(Lower Manhattan)上空的“纪念之光”(The Tribute in Light)。两束高耸的光柱代表着遭遇恐怖主义攻击的双塔楼(Twin Towers)。右图中,美国海军学院欢乐合唱团(U.S. Naval Academy Glee Club)在弗吉尼亚州五角大楼纪念园(Pentagon Memorial)举行的9/11第17周年纪念仪式上演唱。美国航空公司77号航班(American Airlines Flight 77)在2001年9月11日撞毁于五角大楼,造成184人死亡。
(© RJ Sangosti/Denver Post/Getty Images)在科罗拉多州莫里森(Morrison, Colorado)的红岩露天剧场(Red Rocks Amphitheatre),一位消防员背着印有在9/11为援救困在纽约双塔楼中的人而献身的343位消防队员名字的水龙带。这里举行被称为“科罗拉多9/11纪念攀梯”(Colorado 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb)的年度活动,纪念9/11遇难者。右图为活动开始的场景,其中一女子在擦拭泪水。
(左: © Craig Ruttle/AP Images. 右: © Gary Hershorn/Getty Images)纽约市消防队(New York City Fire Department)的两名成员透过眼窗(Oculus)敞开的天顶,仰望纽约世贸中心一号楼(One World Trade Center)。这里也是纽约市交通枢纽之一。眼窗天顶在10点28分打开,标志着世界贸易中心北塔楼在9月11日坍塌的时刻。右图中,一人在夕阳中走过矗立在新泽西州泽西市(Jersey City, New Jersey)自由州立公园(Liberty State Park)的9/11空天纪念碑(9/11 Empty Sky Memorial)。