昨天同事小何跟外教 Lawrence 约好了一起去见客户,却闹了个大笑话。原来他们本来约定中午十二点在餐馆和客户一起吃饭,早上出门时小何还给 Lawrence 打了个电话,电话里他明明听到对方说: " I'm now on my way and I'll be there in three hours at the outside."
Because of the spread of Newcastle Pneumonia around the world, policies on the management and control of people entering and leaving the country have been tightened and
假如你和朋友聊天,谈到同学Mike,他最近十分努力,考试成绩也不错,不知道他是否会拿奖学金,由于迈克以前成绩并不好,哪怕最近努力,以前的分数太低,他基本不可能拿奖学金,你朋友便吐槽道:“He will get the scholarship? Pigs might fly! ”那大家猜猜看,pigs might fly是什么意思?pig
咱们中国的孩子啊,哪儿都好,就是太腼腆,尤其是在上语言课的时候,明明知道答案,就是不敢举手来回答问题。每每碰到这种情况,我们能做的——就是点名儿了~于是,这句话就经常能在课上听外教提到 : "No one seems inclined to ask a question, will you start the ball rolling,
Three Reasons Your Next Holiday Should Be in CubaA year of lockdowns and restrictions has made many of us excited about being able to go on holiday again one day soon. W