游客在纽约市纽约港(New York Harbor)的自由女神像(Statue of Liberty)前留影。(© John Minchillo/AP Images)
一个骑自行车的人经过佛罗里达州好莱坞(Hollywood)的好莱坞海滩栈道(© Wilfredo Lee/AP Images)
距洛杉矶以北一小时车程的羚羊谷罂粟花保护区(Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve)吸引了很多游客。(© George Rose/Getty Images)
美国于2018年迎来了近8000万名国际游客,纽约州(New York)是他们的首选目的地。
纽约市(New York City)是该州最受喜爱的旅游胜地,而尼亚加拉大瀑布(Niagara Falls)以及阿迪朗达克(Adirondack)和卡茨基尔(Catskill)山脉的风景公路也是游客喜爱的景点。
享有“阳光之州”(Sunshine State)的美称的佛罗里达州(Florida)是最吸引国际游客的第二大州。该州深受国际游客喜爱的众多旅游胜地包括迈阿密海滩(Miami Beach)、大沼泽地国家公园(Everglades National Park)和迪士尼世界(Disney World)。佛罗里达的海滩、水上运动、骑行和远足活动一年四季都受到游客的青睐。
尽管加利福尼亚州(California)的好莱坞(Hollywood)依然是一个令人兴奋的目的地,但前往洛杉矶(Los Angeles)和旧金山(San Francisco)的游客还可以便利地去观赏附近的山脉、海滩和沙漠。加州的国家公园比美国其他任何一个州都多。
据美国旅游协会(U.S. Travel Association)的一份报告统计,2018年来美国旅游的国际游客中有一半来自邻国墨西哥和加拿大。在另外一半游客中,来自英国的游客最多,其次是日本、中国、韩国、巴西和德国。
Top 3 U.S. states international tourists visit
Tourists pose for photographs in front of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, New York. (© John Minchillo/AP Images)
The United States welcomed nearly 80 million international visitors in 2018, with New York state the top destination.
While New York City is the most popular destination in the state, other favorite places to visit include Niagara Falls and scenic byways in the Adirondack and Catskill mountain ranges.
Who is visiting the U.S., and where else are they headed?
A cyclist rides along the Hollywood Beach Broadwalk in Hollywood, Florida. (© Wilfredo Lee/AP Images)
Florida, also known as the Sunshine State, ranks as the second most popular state for international travelers. Miami Beach, the Everglades National Park and Disney World are just a few of the many attractions drawing international visitors to the state. Florida’s beaches, water sports, cycling and hiking are popular tourists activities year-round.
The Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve, one hour north of Los Angeles, draws many visitors. (© George Rose/Getty Images)
While Hollywood, California, remains an exciting destination, tourists to Los Angeles and San Francisco can easily reach nearby mountains, beaches and deserts. California is home to more national parks than any other state in the U.S.
The United States is, by far, the largest receiver of travel dollars, with international visitors spending $215 billion in 2018. That’s 15 percent of the world’s total travel expenditures that year.
Half of the international visitors who came to the U.S. in 2018 came from neighboring Mexico and Canada, according to a U.S. Travel Association report (PDF, 245KB). Of the remaining half, travelers from the United Kingdom led the way, followed by visitors from Japan, China, South Korea, Brazil and Germany.