咱们中国的孩子啊,哪儿都好,就是太腼腆,尤其是在上语言课的时候,明明知道答案,就是不敢举手来回答问题。每每碰到这种情况,我们能做的——就是点名儿了~于是,这句话就经常能在课上听外教提到 : "No one seems inclined to ask a question, will you start the ball rolling,
fishy鱼腥味的/可疑的有问题/有人在搞鬼双语例句1The entire room is fishy.整个房间都有鱼腥味。2Have you checked the contract? The deal seems a bit fishy to me!你有仔细看过这份合同吗?对我来说这笔交易有点可疑。3Be careful! That
catchy song口水歌双语例句:1My head is stuck with catchy songs one after another.我的脑子里被各种口水歌滚动洗脑。2We Don’t Talk Anymore is a catchy song. I can’t get it out of my head.We Don’t