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How To Wash A Bath Mat
网友【joyli】 2020-07-04 11:13:03 分享在【我的地盘我做主】版块    1    5

Sure you clean your bathtub, toilet and shower regularly. But how often do you wash your bathroom rugs? It’s not uncommon to skip washing these for a long while. After all, it’s easy to forget things that are — literally — underfoot. But with all the action these rugs see, they definitely deserve some spa treatment in your laundry room.

Learn how often you should be cleaning bathroom rugs, as well as how to clean bathmats of varying types.

Cleaning Microfiber and Chenille Bathmats

These bathmats are popular because they tend to dry quickly and they’re especially soft on the feet. Here’s how to clean bathroom rugs made out of microfiber or chenille, after you’ve checked the care instructions and shaken them out of course.

Place your mats in the washer with a gentle laundry detergent. Make sure you don’t overload your washing machine.

Wash on the cold setting.

Tumble dry on the lowest heat setting. Alternatively, you can hang your mats outside to dry.

Note: If you’re using the dryer, be certain not to mix your microfiber or chenille bathroom rugs with other fabrics, especially towels. If these bathroom rugs pick up lint, they won’t dry as quickly.

Cleaning Plastic or Rubber Backed Bathmats

Plastic- and rubber-backed bathmats are standard in many homes and they’re made of a wide array of materials, from cotton to nylon. That’s why it’s important to check care tags! Ready to learn how to wash bathmats with plastic or rubber backing?

Check the undersides of your mats to see if the backing is cracked or peeling. If so, it may be time to get a new mat as these little pieces can come off in the washer or dryer, causing clogs in or damage to your appliances.

Place mats in the washer, taking care not to overload your machine. Wash your bathroom rugs on the cold setting with a gentle laundry detergent.

Hang your mats outside to dry or tumble dry on the lowest setting. You should never use heat when drying plastic- or rubber-backed bathmats because it can cause the backing to crack or even melt.

That’s all there is to it when it comes to learning how to clean bathroom rugs. And your feet will thank you for taking the time to wash bathmats regularly.

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5   2020-07-04 11:13:03  回复

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