网友【移哪儿】 2019-12-18 10:01:53 分享在【美国信息交流】版块    1    2

As a Chinese citizen living in the U.S., are there any Chinese laws you wish the U.S. had?




Feifei Wang, I am Chinese and/or American

Universal healthcare. Yes, China has universal health care. It’s pretty corrupted and has a lot of problems. It doesn’t always work, and a lot of underprivileged people have trouble access their health care. Hospitals are overworked and understaffed. Bribing is everywhere. You try to provide universal healthcare to 1.5 billion people, shit happens. But on principle, Chinese government believes people should not die because they can’t afford their medical bills.

No tipping. Please pay waitstaff proper wages instead of blackmailing your customers to cover your costs.

No drinking/smoking age. Children can buy liquor and/or cigarettes. You remove the taboo of drinking and smoking, children are actually less likely to do it. And they most definitely do not go on drinking rampage on their 21st birthday and do stupid things because they don’t know how to handle their liquor.

No private schools. All schools are public, paid by taxpayer money.

Mandatory 9 years of education paid by the state for ALL children (elementary school to middle school).

No legacy admissions. You can’t donate a lab to a university to get your kids in Harvard. You want to go to Peking University? You take the damned college entrance exam like millions of other kids.

No private prisons. All prisons are run by the state.

And last but not least: Universal gun ban. Nobody get guns. NOBODY.

Police station has guns locked in lockers, if a police officer wants to get a gun, they need to write an application, check out the gun, count the bullets. When he returns the gun, he needs to write a report, account for every bullet, and the gun goes back to the locker. Only armed police and military have guns.

No mass shooting, No school shooting, No fucking senseless death and fucking thoughts and prayers!


Thach Nguyen

I never understand the way Americans think about healthcare. Communist countries have universal healthcare. Capitalist countries have universal healthcare. “Shit hole” countries under crazy dictatorships have universal healthcare. Big countries have universal healthcare. Small countries have universal healthcare. Rich countries have it. So do poor countries. If there is one thing that works, well, universally, it''s universal healthcare. But not the US because we believe … what? Poor people should just drop dead?


Christienne Woods

Yes—that is it exactly—they believe that the poor are poor of their own doing and if they were “given” things like health care that the incentive to work hard would be taken away—stupid idea -but that is it


Gongtao Yang, Full Stack Engineer, currently working at Apple

No tipping. It’s illegal to tip and accept tipping in resteraunt according to Chinese law. Waiters are actually paid a living wage and they should. I don''t mind paying a bit more for food, I just don''t want to do MATH when I had a couple shots of whisky!

Drug laws. I am not just talking about laws about illegal drugs. Legal drugs that used in surgeries are controlled as well. I rember when my mom had to go under anesthesia for a surgery, my dad and I had to go through a lot of paper work. The drug for the anesthesia, I was told later, can be used to make illegal drugs. Even perscxtion painkiller is harder to get in China when I sprained my ankle when I visited my parents. Those laws has a lot oversight on the pharma companies which is what the US needs now.

Envirormental laws and enforcement. Enforcement of envirormental laws in US currently (Dec 2019) is a joke. Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People''s Republic of China has enormous amount of power. If a factory is up for the standard, that factory is closed, period. I pesonally perfer my children can have a habitable earth.

Edit 1: These are things I think US should have no trouble doing. These are feasible and can have direct improvement to people’s lifes. I see very little downside of these laws.



Gongtao Yang

Industrial pollution is getting better in China. There is a long way to go, but It''s getting there. My dad is an Industrial engineer, he designs factories and he told me stories of how new environmental law are enforced. My hometown’s air pollution is getting better by the year as well.

US doesn''t have China’s level of pollution, but It''s pretty bad in some areas. I think you heard the news about how new laws are not enforced by EPA. I want the enforcement effort not exactly the laws in this case.

I don''t know that particular dumping, but to my knowledge. If something like that is exposed, the company will change leadership if not down right closes.




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