在(中国)北方生活,最舒服的一点就是,大部分地区到了11月15日就有暖气了。南方人表示瑟瑟发抖。今天我们来学习一下暖气用英文怎么说呢~1. Heat/HeatingThe temperature dropped dramatically. Thank goodness we have the heating.气温急剧下降了。幸亏我们有暖
英文歌《Taylor Swift》(泰勒·斯威夫特)中……歌词里有一句“Are we out of the woods yet? ”呵呵,大家的听力值得表扬,都听出了歌词的拼写,But呢,因为对习语了解得不够而意思猜错了!歌中反复唱的这句意思是"你摆脱困境了吗?(你脱离危险了吗)",跟木头用没用完可没关系,但大家应该知道,Woods也指
坏运气到了,倒霉的事情接二连三?中文里常说“最近有点儿背”,“倒霉”用英语怎么说呢?今天就来一起涨姿势吧~ freestocks@freestocks/unsplash 1. go through a bad/difficult/rough/sticky patch 经历困难时期/倒霉时期 《摩登家庭》里有一句话: I'm sorry.
我怕冷I'm afraid of the cold. XThe cold doesn't bother me. √afraid of 可以表达因为胆子小,怯懦,才产生的"怕”例句:Everyone seems to be afraid of her.每个人似乎都很怕她.Many children are afraid of the da
词汇表达cook someone's goose打碎某人的计划;毁了一个人的名誉;使...垮台,使...完蛋拓展训练1. He is cooking his goose with such ideas.他这样的想法就是在自毁前程。2. I cooked his goose by letting out the secret that h