Hi, Bob, the Canadian here. Welcome to this English lesson on how to express hope in English. If you look behind me, you'll see that the daffodils are blooming.Every yea
Susan: The coffee machines was broken so I got us a couple of smoothies.They had strawberry and strawberry.咖啡机坏了,所以我点了两杯水果沙拉。有草莓味 以及草莓味的。Ian: Well, I hate strawberry, so
美东时间2021年4月30日,上午10点30分,哥伦比亚大学迎来了第267届毕业典礼。哥大校长Lee C. Bollinger身着学术长袍,发表了毕业典礼致辞。随后,各学院院长在镜头切换间,完成了学位授予仪式。而今年的帝国大厦楼顶也如约亮起属于哥大的蓝色,整个纽约都在为他们庆祝!哥大的小伙伴们,恭喜你们成功进入人生的下一阶段,毕业快乐!