tooth -- 牙齿My tooth really hurts.我的牙很疼。baby tooth -- 乳牙It's a baby tooth.这是颗乳牙.如果咱们的乳牙掉了,大家会怎么办呢?If it is a lower baby tooth, throw it up onto the roof.如果是下边乳牙(掉了),就把它扔到
High-Fat Diet May Increase Rate of Hair LossNew research has found that eating a diet that is high in fat may cause a faster rate of hair loss, and a decreased ability t
日常生活中,咱们的小伙伴们,有没有粗心到不看保质期,就吃了过期的食物呢?一起来学习一下关于“保质期”的英文说法!production date -- 生产日期(在食品的外包装上,简称PD的字样,就是这个意思。)Manufacturing Date -- 保质期(通常会简写成:MFD,MAN,MFG )咱们国内的生产日期一般都是按照年,月