A booming economyhas made China an attractive place to work for many expats.And whilst it is easy to get caught up in the excitement of what theMiddle Kingdom has to offer, you may just want to take a step backfor a moment and consider how you will face the somewhat arduous taskof getting a China visa.
Whether you travelto China for full-time work, a business trip or any other purpose,getting the right visa is crucial. Below we bring you your guide toChina visas for work to help you make an informed decision aboutwhich visa category you need to apply for.
An Overview
Before we get intothe detail, let’s remind ourselves why getting the right visais so important. Certain visa categories denote certain types ofwork. A Z-visa for instance, is for those who intend towork in China full time. A J-visa is for those who intendto work as a journalist. An M-visa is for those who intendto travel to China for a business trip. The list goes on. Ensuringyou have the right visa is crucial. By not doing so, you openyourself up to a whole host of legal difficulties when you arrive inChina.
DO NOT be tempted toget the wrong visa just because it makes things faster and easier. Itwill only come back to bite once you arrive in China. For instance,some unscrupulous employers may tell you to get an L-visa (fortourism) because it can be processed relatively quickly and thereforehelp you get to China sooner. Working on an L-visa however, isillegal. Not to mention you will not have any guaranteed rights ifyour employer tries to take advantage of you. They may tell you to dothis because it makes things easier for them. But they will not haveto deal with the consequences. YOU will. Do not put yourself at risk.Ensure you have the correct visa for work in China.
Applying for aChina Visa
Regardless of whichvisa category you intend to apply for, you will need a passport withat least 6 months validity and enough blank pages (enough for thevisa, residence permit (if applicable) and immigration stamps etc.).You will also need a completed visa application form with an attachedpassport photo. Beyond this, there are a few other things you need toprepare in advance.
Firstly, doublecheck that you are applying for the correct visa. For instance, ifyou do not know the difference between a Z-visa and an M-visa,research in advance which one is for you.
Secondly, researchwhich documents you will need. This will vary by visa category. Forinstance, a Z-visa will require a notarized copy of an undergraduatedegree certificate (the notarization process takes time). Whilst anM-visa may require a letter from a business partner in China. Makesure you do your research in advance.
Thirdly, researchwhere you should apply. It could be at your nearest Chineseembassy or consulate. Or you may have a nearby China Visa Applicationand Service Center (known as CVASC). If it is not convenient for youto apply for your visa in person, you may want to look into using avisa agency. However, make sure you thoroughly do your researchbeforehand to check the agency is legitimate and reliable.
Z 签证
Who is eligible?
This is for expatswho take up paid employment or “undertake commercialentertainment performances in China”. Generally, this willapply to full-time workers such as teachers, copywriters andsalespeople etc.
With perhaps afew exceptions, you will be asked for your BA degree certificate(China generally does not offer Z-visas to those without universityeducation) and a non-criminal record check. Both of these documentshave to be notarized by the foreign affairs office in your homecountry and by your nearest Chinese embassy or consulate. Be preparedfor a time-consuming process.
You may also beasked for reference letters from previous employers given that manyjobs in China require a minimum of two years’ experience. Youshould make sure each letter is signed and if possible has anofficial company stamp or header.
M 签证
Who is eligible?
This category is forexpats who go to China for commercial and trade activities. Forinstance, an M-visa may be issued to anyone who attends a trade fair,partakes in business negotiations, carries out factory visits etc.
Applicants will needone of the following: an invitation letter from a Chinese businesspartner; a confirmation letter issued by an authorized Chineseinstitute or relevant unit; a trade fair invitation.
Any invitationletter should include applicants full name, date of birth, passportnumber, the applicant’s intention of the visit, a schedule, aswell as information from the inviting party including an officialstamp.
China also issuesF-visas. These are for those who intend to partake in exchanges,study tours or other short-term non-business activities. If theseapply to you, you may be better to apply for this category.
During my time inChina, I have heard on the grapevine of those who apply for an M-visawith the intention of taking a paid job in China. DO NOT do this. Ifyou intend to work, you must get a Z-visa. M-visas are strictly forthose who travel to China on business trips i.e. do not earn anymoney whilst in China.
Who is eligible?
This is known as atalent visa and, as the name might suggest, is for those who arehighly-skilled and or have specialized qualities urgently needed inChina. This may include those who join China’s accreditedtalents introduction programs, are internationally recognised intheir field (Nobel prize winners etc.), are qualified for seniormanagement positions in Chinese state companies and so on.
Generally for thiscategory, applicants will need to show certification which provesthey are… well… talented. Most likely applicants wouldalso need to get such certification notarized. Again, as with allvisa categories, make sure you do your research in advance.
J 签证
Who is eligible?
This categoryapplies to foreign journalists. It is divided into those who intendto reside in China for more than 180 days (J1) and those who intendto stay less than 180 days (J2).
The Chinaembassy in the United States state the following as requireddocuments:
Visa notificationletter issued by the Information Department of the Ministry ofForeign Affairs of China and an official letter issued by the mediaorganization for which the journalist works”.
Entrepreneur Visa
Who is eligible?
This differsslightly from other visa types as it is only open to graduates fromChinese universities (this includes the special administrativeregions of Hong Kong and Macau). As is perhaps obvious in the name,it is for those who intend to start a business in China.
The visa is still inits early stages and has so far been trialled in Shanghai andChengdu.
These may vary bycity or region. However, there are some basic documents which allapplicants must provide. These are as follows:
Complete businessplan… certificates of innovation and entrepreneurship issuedby economic development zones, high-tech parks, crowd innovationspaces, incubators and other professional platforms”.
Applicants shouldapply for an S1 visa with an “entrepreneur”remark. You should then “transfer it to a residential permitfor private affairs with a special entrepreneurship annotation”.
Other Categories
Those working ascrew on aircrafts, ships, trains or motor vehicles which crossinternational borders (airline staff etc.) will require a categoryC-visa.
For those who intendto do an internship in China, there is no specific visacategory. China Internship Placements recommends X1 (for those whointend to stay more than 180 days) or X2 (fewer than 180 days) visacategories as the most appropriate.
For those who intendto work part-time as a student, you should gain approval from youruniversity and local exit and entry administration.
Once you arrivein China
You must register atthe local police station within 24 hours. If you are staying in ahotel, you do not need to worry as this will all be taken care of foryou. Anywhere else such as a friend’s apartment, this issomething you MUST do.
Remember too thatfor certain visa categories, you will be required to apply for aresidence permit within 30 days of arrival in China. This is true forthose on a Z-visa. Your employer should help you with this. Rememberthat before you obtain the residence permit, you should NOT leavemainland China (NOT even to travel to Hong Kong or Macau) as you willthen be unable to re-enter.
That then is yourguide to China visas for work. Again it is worth emphasizing theimportance of getting the right visa category. The last thing youwant is legal difficulties once you arrive in China.
Remember too to bepatient. Getting a visa can be a long and complicated process. Rulesregularly change and you may be asked for more and more documentsthroughout the visa process. This is perfectly normal.
Once you do get yourvisa for work in China, you are set to go, set to book your planeticket and experience all the Middle Kingdom has to offer. You willprobably find that when it comes to work, there are opportunitiesaplenty.
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