英文短语“have the last laugh”从字面儿上就能看出来,赢得最后的笑容不就是“笑到最后”嘛!生活中这种情况可不少,希望大家都能“have the last laugh”!have the last laugh笑到最后,取得最后胜利【En】to finally be successful, win an argument
take / borrow a page from (someone's) booktake a page from sb/sth借鉴; 效仿; 以某人为榜样【En】to follow the example of; imitate.以…为榜样; 模仿;to do something in the way someone else wo
与人讨论问题的时候,你听过I second that这句话吗?Amy Hirschi@amyhirschi/unsplashTo “second” something means to be in support of a proposed idea or motion.second某事的意思是支持一个提议或想法。Formally, i
我们的外教 Tony 是个急性子,平时最怕别人说话吞吞吐吐的。昨天开晨会时, Tony 在台上还没讲两句,台下的 Lawrence 就支支吾吾地欲言又止。Tony 见状不耐烦地问他“ Come on, Law,just spit it out!(别吞吞吐吐的啦)” Lawrence 一听也不结巴了“Your fly is open!(你
John: So they liked the landscaping I did here so much that they hired my company to do whole Sinclair Hotel chain.他们很喜欢我设计的园景,所以雇佣我的公司负责所有辛克莱酒店的园艺。Gabrielle: Your compa
Learn The 7 Rules For Excellent English造就出色口语的七条军规Imagine speaking English automatically… without thinking. The words come out of your mouth easily, and fast. You unders