全英文阅读训练 ~ 在乘飞机时,最令美国人厌恶的事儿(中等水平)
网友【english】 2021-09-05 03:47:49 分享在【美国信息交流】版块    1    2

Survey Finds Americans' Top Air Travel Pet Peeves

Air travel is back, including everything you hated about it. But what do you like least about planes and flying? Is it not having enough legroom, crying babies, or paying extra for your luggage?

In 2016, Canadian travel company Busbud surveyed 2,000 Americans to find out — and here were their top three pet peeves.

Body odor

It may come as a surprise, but body odor took first place, with 77% of survey participants sharing that they didn't like having to sit next to or near other smelly passengers.

Several airlines, including Delta, United and American Airlines, even have a clause in their contracts that allows staff to remove passengers who smell too strongly. How they decide how smelly is too smelly, however, is a mystery.

Flight delays

The number two pet peeve on Busbud's list was flight delays, with 66% of people saying that they just don't like the added wait.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 hasn't made air travel any easier. Flight delays have soared in the US this summer as more people return to flying after a long break away.


Crying babies

Babies and small children crying was third on the list and was mentioned by 66% of men and 57% of women.

In 2019, Japan Airlines even introduced a seat map that uses a child icon to show where babies and children under two are seated — allowing passengers with this common pet peeve to book a seat further away.

Other top pet peeves

Other pet peeves in Busbud's top 10 included: inconsiderate parents in fourth place, not having enough legroom in fifth, dirty bathrooms in sixth and loud passengers in seventh. Passengers reclining their seats took eighth place, paying extra for luggage was ninth, and long lines at the airport was in tenth place.


1. What are your thoughts on the findings of this survey?

2. What would you say are your biggest air travel pet peeves?

3. Have you ever sat next to a rude, loud, or annoying passenger on a plane?

4. Would you rather sit next to a smelly passenger or a crying baby?

5. Do you bring much luggage when you travel? Have you ever paid extra for it?


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