Bree: "Orson. Why haven't you returned any of my calls?"奥森,为什么不回我电话?Orson: "I was afraid you were calling to ask me for a divorce."我怕你要跟我离婚。Bree: "No, I wasn't. They arr
(1) Counter 解;抵消适用于解辣、解腻这种“对抗、抵消”的情况。Drink some water to counter the spiciness.喝点水,解解辣。Drink some juice to counter the grease.喝点果汁,解解腻。(2) Take care of 解;解决适用于解渴、解馋这种“解决
许多人都觉得美国“杰出人才”移民申请门槛太高,其实对于大多数能力杰出的人士来说,只要自己身上有闪光点,还是有机会满足美国政府对人才的渴求的。“杰出人才”申请并没有想象的那么难。介绍一下“杰出人才”的申请要求,供大家参考。EB-1A是美国第一类优先职业移民A类,全称是Employment-based Immigration: First
答案在The Economist April 16th 2022 United States 中 “Taxation in America---In praise of the IRS” 这篇文章末段可以找到。The Economist April 16th 2022 United States查字典:antiquated adj. 陈
be stuck at 被困在a ton 很多;大量China's economy has slumped as Covid cases surged in the world's most populous country. But Chinese consumers stuck at home are still spending.