网友【留哪儿】 2020-04-20 10:17:06 分享在【美国信息交流】版块    1    3


在此期间,他目睹了火车停驶,飞机停飞,边境关闭,学校停课…… , 体会了新冠疫情以及“社交距离”带来的疏远与距离,当这一切都似乎在撕裂着世界的时候,他开始了思考。在4月16日晚“云直播”的第十一期“新时代大讲堂”中,他说,保持距离有助于阻止病毒传播,但它们决不能被视为一劳永逸消除危机的方法。



The presence of distance:

与祖国同呼吸 与世界共命运

让爱靠近 让“疫”走远








Two years ago, from the stage of the CHINA DAILY 21st Century Cup speaking competition in Hangzhou, I was fortunate enough to win a place in the finals of the International Public Speaking Competition in London.


I took the proposition “Great artists have no country” and made a much more far-reaching claim, that “Every individual will have no country”.


With high-speed travel, both on land and in the air, the boundaries between cities and between countries have slowly vanished. Travel and globalization have drawn us closer together, and in this community of a shared future we can now truly say that our strongest ties are as much with the world as they are with any single country.



Two years after I made that speech, the gradual change I talked of has been replaced by upheaval. Amid the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, trains have been stopped, aircraft grounded, borders closed and the doors of schools and colleges shut.


For me, at first glance COVID-19 seemed less like a wake-up call than a nasty slap across the face – a virus posing a systemic threat to the world and showing how powerless we seem to be as individual global citizens.


Less travel and efficient social distancing seem to be bringing this pandemic under control, but they also seem to be tearing this world apart. Some critics have even warned that COVID-19 spells the end of globalization.



Without doubt, distancing is helping prevent the virus from spreading, but if we look at the data, it seems that distancing is a very incomplete solution.


The United States was among the first countries to block entry to people who had been to China and made the concept of social distancing known to the world. And yet the US has become the country with the most confirmed cases, active cases and deaths.


As more cities and countries across the globe lockdown as the city of Wuhan did nearly three months ago, it is clear that distancing is not enough.


Closing borders, banning travel and social distancing may do well in mitigating the spread of the virus, but they cannot be regarded as a magic potion that rids the world of this scourge once and for all.



China has made great strides in bringing the coronavirus under control, but it has done far more than simply imposing lockdowns.


Border controls have become a lot tighter and the imposition of social distancing has become tougher, but the world needs to take heed of other measures and other approaches China has taken as well.


As a Chinese exchange student in the US, I see China’s stance has been one of reaching out rather than distancing.


When more than half a million Chinese nationals could not get home, home came to us, in the form of health packs prepared for students in the US and dispatched by China’s embassies and consulates.


Reports and advice on personal health have also been issued daily, including lectures on disease prevention livestreamed at times to suit those in any of the US’ seven time zones.


So much thought seems to have been put into this outreach that it would be virtually impossible for any Chinese student here to feel that they are isolated far from home.


In fact in some ways over the past few weeks, home has never seemed any nearer.



Facing the challenge of a global epidemic, distancing alone can never be enough. For me one of the main benefits of distancing is that it reminds us of the value of sharing, caring and communicating with others.


But a pandemic cannot sweep away friendships, goodwill and exchanges of ideas and knowledge.


When we look at the latest COVID-19 statistics, we ought not just see figures but also be conscious of the human lives that lie behind them, the suffering of those people have endured and that most of us have happily been spared.


As we fulfill our responsibility to take care of ourselves and of those we care about, let us also be aware of our deep reliance on one another as together we build a community of shared peace and love.


And once COVID-19 is conquered and global connections are restored, let us heed the invaluable lessons this period has taught us and never forget that only in unity can we all prevail, live and prosper.


This is my third appearance at VISION CHINA. This great event has given me the opportunity to see China and the world from different perspectives. The first time I was here, like you, I was in the audience, the second time I acted as a volunteer, and this time I have been given the great honor of being a speaker.


Two years ago, from the stage of the CHINA DAILY 21st Century Cup speaking competition in Hangzhou, I was fortunate enough to win a place in the finals of the International Public Speaking Competition in London. With that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity I took the proposition “Great artists have no country” and made a much more far-reaching claim, that “Every individual will have no country”. With high-speed travel, both on land and in the air, the boundaries between cities and between countries have slowly vanished. Travel and globalization have drawn us closer together, and in this community of a shared future we can now truly say that our strongest ties are as much with the world as they are with any single country.


Two years after I made that speech, the gradual change I talked of has been replaced by upheaval. Amid the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, trains have been stopped, aircraft grounded, borders closed and the doors of schools and colleges shut. In the area where I live, the past month has been full of contradictions. Classmates who used to sit inches from one another now see each other face to face via video; in the virtual classroom, stage fright has given way to “camera fright”; with fewer people, queues at banks and supermarkets are longer than ever because of social distancing; and goods you could once easily find in the supermarket have suddenly become scarce.


We’re all trying very hard to remain positive, which is difficult to do when you’re confronted with something as insidious and horrible as COVID-19. Like many other Chinese students here in Monterey, I chose to stay here – or as it’s called locally, “shelter in place” – as the semester continued and any dim chance of getting a flight back to China became dimmer still.


For me, at first glance COVID-19 seemed less like a wake-up call than a nasty slap across the face – a virus posing a systemic threat to the world and showing how powerless we seem to be as individual global citizens. Yes, less travel and efficient social distancing seem to be bringing this pandemic under control, but they also seem to be tearing this world apart. Some critics have even warned that COVID-19 spells the end of globalization. So are distancing and separation really doing what they’re supposed to do?


Without doubt, distancing is helping prevent the virus from spreading, but if we look at the data, it seems that distancing is a very incomplete solution. The United States was among the first countries to block entry to people who had been to China and made the concept of social distancing known to the world. And yet the US has become the country with the most confirmed cases, active cases and deaths.


So as more cities and countries across the globe lock down as the city of Wuhan did nearly three months ago, it is clear that distancing is not enough. Closing borders, banning travel and social distancing may do well in mitigating the spread of the virus, but they cannot be regarded as a magic potion that rids the world of this scourge once and for all.


China has made great strides in bringing the coronavirus under control, but it has done far more than simply imposing lockdowns. Border controls have become a lot tighter and the imposition of social distancing has become tougher, but the world needs to take heed of other measures and other approaches China has taken as well.


As a Chinese exchange student in the US, I see China’s stance has been one of reaching out rather than distancing. When more than half a million Chinese nationals could not get home, home came to us, in the form of health packs prepared for students in the US and dispatched by China’s embassies and consulates. Reports and advice on personal health have also been issued daily, including lectures on disease prevention livestreamed at times to suit those in any of the US’ seven time zones. So much thought seems to have been put into this outreach that it would be virtually impossible for any Chinese student here to feel that they are isolated far from home. In fact in some ways over the past few weeks, home has never seemed any nearer. This period of distancing has convinced me that in facing the challenge of a global epidemic, distancing alone can never be enough. For me one of the main benefits of distancing is that it reminds us of the value of sharing, caring and communicating with others.


Distancing is first and foremost a way of taking care of ourselves and treating those we love in a responsible way. By doing so we fulfill one of our most important duties: to ensure that humanity not only survives but also thrives.


More importantly, gathering or reuniting at a distance shows who and what we really love and care about. Like many other events, the International Public Speaking Competition was cancelled at the COVID-19 outbreak, and it remains uncertain whether our international friends will appear in the upcoming 21st Century Cup. But a pandemic cannot sweep away friendships, goodwill and exchanges of ideas and knowledge. Former participants in the speaking competition, no matter where they are in the world, have got into the habit of staying closely in touch through social media, and global interdependence is therefore maintained in a new way. Video conference apps are no longer just platforms of e-learning but have been turned into bridges that connect us all. Behind the popularity of social media and the apps that go with them is our instinct to sympathize, communicate and work together regardless of time and distance.


About 260 years ago the Scottish economist Adam Smith wrote these words:

“How selfish soever man may be supposed, there are evidently more principles in his nature, which interest him in the fortune of others… Of this kind is pity or compassion, the emotion which we feel for the misery of others, when we either see it, or are made to conceive it in a very lively manner.”



In that spirit, when we look at the latest COVID-19 statistics, we ought not just see figures but also be conscious of the human lives that lie behind them, the suffering of those people have endured and that most of us have happily been spared.


Even as I see social distancing drawing us closer together, other speakers today have also touched on issues of caring, sharing and communication in a troubled world. As we fulfill our responsibility to take care of ourselves and of those we care about, let us also be aware of our deep reliance on one another as together we build a community of shared peace and love.


And once COVID-19 is conquered and global connections are restored, let us heed the invaluable lessons this period has taught us and never forget that only in unity can we all prevail, live and prosper.



Thank you for your attention, and stay safe.


出处:中国日报双语新闻(微信公众号) 发布人签名/座右铭你们考虑“移哪儿”的都是牛人,我刚混到“留哪儿”的等级!
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3   2020-04-20 10:17:06  回复


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