中英双语 ~ 美国人在提升阅读量,包括文学译著!
网友【读懂美国】 2020-10-01 09:43:07 分享在【美国信息交流】版块    1    2

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专门出版翻译作品的纽约New Vessel Press出版社共同创始人迈克尔·怀斯(Michael Z. Wise)说,“文学是进入他人的生活及思维方式之门”。

例如,据怀斯介绍,New Vessel Press将在2月份出版谢尔盖·列别捷夫(Sergei Lebedev)的惊悚小说《无法追踪[暂译]》(Untraceable),读者可以通过一个苏联用毒药攻击对手的故事,对专制政府的面目略见一斑。

罗切斯特大学(University of Rochester)的公开信文学出版社(Open Letter Books)出版人查德·波斯特(Chad W. Post)说,翻译文学在今天具有重要作用。


意大利作家埃莱娜·费兰特的系列小说英译本在美国大受欢迎。图中是意大利文原著的封面。(© Simona Granati/Corbis/Getty Images)




在近来热销的翻译作品中有已故瑞典作家斯蒂格·拉森(Stieg Larsson)的惊悚小说,以及意大利作家埃莱娜·费兰特(Elena Ferrante)创作的以两位个性鲜明的意大利女性为主角的小说四部曲。世界各地许多其他作家也在美国图书市场上各有一搏。但是,怀斯认为,费兰特的新作《成人的谎言生活[暂译]》(The Lying Life of Adults)为美国读者又一次打开视野,欣赏海外书中的故事。


怀斯的出版社是营利性的,但许多专门的翻译出版社得到学术界和慈善界的支持。波斯特说,亚马逊(Amazon)是一个著名例外,而它是别人望尘莫及的最大的译著出版商。它的亚马逊穿越(Amazon Crossing)出版业务几乎全部集中在电子书,推销其他国家著名作家的作品以及美国读者喜欢的体裁,如浪漫小说,惊悚小说和科幻小说等。

资深编辑莉莎·达恩顿(Liza Darnton)说,“我们非常努力千方百计寻找最有意思的故事。我们尽可能多地接触翻译界,我们与全球各地同事共同发掘好书”。亚马逊穿越2010年以来已经出版了来自44个国家的作家的400部作品。2019年又建立了亚马逊穿越儿童图书(Amazon Crossing Kids)出版业务。



Americans read more, including literature in translation

Today is #International Translation Day# According to the United Nations, International Translation Day is meant as an opportunity to pay tribute to the work of language professionals, which plays an important role in bringing nations together, facilitating dialogue, understanding and cooperation, contributing to development and strengthening world peace and security.

As Americans hunker down at home with less appetite or ability to travel, the pages of books translated from other languages can transport them to other cultures and places.

“Literature is a portal into other people’s way of life and thinking,” said Michael Z. Wise, co-founder of New Vessel Press in New York, which specializes in translated works.

For instance, in February his press will publish Sergei Lebedev’s Untraceable, a thriller about Soviet use of poison to attack enemies. The book, he said, gives insight into authoritarian governments.

Literature in translation is important today, said Chad W. Post, publisher at Open Letter Books at the University of Rochester.

“This is a time for everybody, Americans in particular, to think about other people’s perspectives,” Post said. “We are a connected world, not necessarily coming together. It’s important during COVID not to retreat into walled-off identities.”

English translations of books by Elena Ferrante, shown here in their original Italian, are popular among Americans. (© Simona Granati/Corbis/Getty Images)

About 1% of fiction and poetry books sold in the U.S. are translations from foreign authors, Post said. That share is up a bit from 0.7% in 2008, the year Post started keeping track. (If he were to include language books and manga, today’s share would be 3%.) Still, the overall number of those books has risen along with book sales generally. In 2019, 572 new fiction and poetry books in translation were published in the United States.

At the start of the pandemic, many readers turned to old favorites, Post said. “Now we’re getting back to something new rather than retreating back into classics from a simpler time.”

Like much of the publishing industry, literature in translation is a bit of a winner-take-all situation. Between online shopping algorithms that keep already popular authors in front of people browsing and a dearth of newspaper book reviews to publicize new writers, much of the spotlight and business flows to known authors, according to Post.

Among translations that have been popular recently have been the late Stieg Larsson’s Swedish thrillers and Elena Ferrante’s tales of strong Italian women. Many other authors from around the world compete for what’s left of the American market. But Ferrante, whose new book is The Lying Life of Adults, has opened American readers’ minds to books set outside the U.S., Wise said.

Digital book sales are up 120% during the pandemic for Wise. But he worries that many independent bookstores — who are boosters of literature in translation — won’t survive the drop in traffic.

Although Wise runs a for-profit press, many of the publishers that specialize in translations have academic or philanthropic support. A notable exception is Amazon, which is by far the largest publisher of translations, according to Post. Its Amazon Crossing imprint focuses almost entirely on electronic books and features authors popular in other countries and types of books popular with American readers, such as romances, thrillers and science fiction.

“We really try to be inventive in how we find great stories,” said Liza Darnton, senior editor. “We engage with the translator community as much as we can, and we work with colleagues around the world to find great books.” Amazon Crossing has published 400 books since 2010 from authors in 44 countries. And in 2019, Amazon Crossing Kids was created.

“There are just amazingly good writers around the world and there’s no reason they can’t be great in English,” Post said.


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