网友【好好活】 2021-07-28 16:09:40 分享在【身心健康最重要】版块    1    13


Five Health Benefits of Walking: 30 Minutes a Day Makes a Difference

Walking is one of the simplest ways to increase your physical activity and improve your health.


During COVID-19, getting outside of the house to go for a walk can be a great way to break up the day and relieve some stress. Whether alone or with the whole family, the great thing about walking is that almost anyone can do it and it doesn’t require a gym, expensive equipment or a ton of extra time. All you need is a comfortable pair of walking shoes and you’re on your way to improving your overall health and well-being.

在 COVID-19 期间,走出家门去散步可能是打破一天并缓解压力的好方法。 无论是独自一人还是与全家人一起,步行的好处在于几乎任何人都可以做到,而且不需要健身房、昂贵的设备或大量额外时间。 您只需要一双舒适的步行鞋,您就可以改善整体健康状况。

As the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates said, “Walking is man’s best medicine.”



He was right. Even today with countless medications and drugs available for every ailment, there is no pill that can impact our total health like a daily walk. Adding as little as 30 minutes of walking to your daily routine has been shown to improve health.

他是对的。 即使在今天有无数药物和药物可用于治疗各种疾病,但没有任何药丸可以像每天散步一样影响我们的整体健康。 已证明在您的日常生活中增加 30分钟的步行可以改善健康。

Here are five reasons to lace up your comfortable shoes and walk your way to better health:


1. Protect your heart.

Set a goal to walk 30 minutes at least five times a week and experience all the health benefits that a brisk walk can bring you.

设定一个目标,每周至少步行 5 次,每次 30 分钟,体验快走带给您的所有健康益处。

2. Slim down.

Regular brisk walking, when combined with healthy eating, is hugely effective for weight loss, helping you burn off extra calories. Walking also helps to reduce visceral fat, also known as belly or abdominal fat which is especially dangerous to our health.

经常快走,结合健康饮食,对减肥非常有效,帮助你燃烧额外的卡路里。 步行还有助于减少内脏脂肪,也称为腹部或腹部脂肪,这对我们的健康尤其危险。


3. Keep your memory sharp.


One of the best things you can do to keep your brain in shape is head out for a brisk walk. A study published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that the hippocampus—the part of the brain that is key to memory—can be expanded through regular walking.

保持大脑健康的最好方法之一就是出去快步走。 发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》上的一项研究表明,海马体——大脑中对记忆至关重要的部分——可以通过经常走路来扩大。


4. Improve your mood.


Exercise helps release endorphins that instantly improve your mood and trigger a positive feeling in the body. When performed regularly, exercise helps ease stress, anxiety and has even been shown to be as effective as psychotherapy at relieving moderate depression.

锻炼有助于释放内啡肽,从而立即改善您的情绪并激发身体的积极情绪。 定期进行锻炼有助于缓解压力、焦虑,甚至已被证明在缓解中度抑郁方面与心理治疗一样有效。

5. Sleep better.


Exercise such as walking boosts the effect of natural sleep hormones such as melatonin, helping you doze off faster and sleep more soundly. Researchers at Harvard University School of Medicine conducted a study on the effects of exercise on sleep. It was found that those who engaged in 20 to 30 minutes of moderate exercise every other day fell asleep 50 percent faster and stayed asleep up to one hour longer.

步行等运动可以增强褪黑激素等天然睡眠激素的作用,帮助您更快地打瞌睡,睡得更香。 哈佛大学医学院的研究人员进行了一项关于运动对睡眠影响的研究。 研究发现,那些每隔一天进行 20 到 30 分钟中等强度运动的人,入睡速度提高 50%,并且多睡一小时。


Tips to improve your walking game:


Remember to stand tall: Prevent lower back pain by being mindful of correct posture. Think of elongating your body and relaxing your shoulders. Avoid holding hand weights if it causes your posture to be compromised.

记住要站得高:注意正确的姿势,防止腰痛。 想想拉长你的身体,放松你的肩膀。 如果会影响您的姿势,请避免握住手部的重物。

Don’t forget your arms: Bend arms at a 90 degree angle and don’t be afraid to swing your arms in rhythm with your stride to propel you forward.

不要忘记你的手臂:弯曲手臂成 90 度角,不要害怕随着你的步伐有节奏地摆动你的手臂来推动你前进。

Set your gaze forward: Hold your head up and eyes forward about 10 to 20 feet in front of you, which helps to prevent upper-body tension.

视线向前:抬起头,眼睛向前约 10 到 20 英尺,这有助于防止上身紧张。

Incorporate intervals: Try alternating one block fast and one or two blocks at a slower pace to build endurance and boost metabolism.


Bring your pup: If you have a dog, bring him or her along for added activity. (it’s one of several health benefits of owning a pet).带上您的小狗:如果您有一只狗,请带上他或她进行额外的活动。 (这是拥有宠物的几个健康益处之一)。

Add some tunes: Listening to music in headphones as you walk is proven to get you moving more. A study by the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise found that listening to music led to a 28% increase in activity enjoyment. That can equate to walking for longer — and burning more calories.

添加一些曲调:事实证明,边走路边戴耳机听音乐可以让您动起来。 《运动与锻炼心理学》杂志的一项研究发现,听音乐可使活动乐趣增加 28%。 这可以等同于走得更久——燃烧更多的卡路里。

Set a goal to walk 30 minutes at least five times a week and experience all the health benefits that a brisk walk can bring you.

设定一个目标,每周至少步行 5 次,每次 30 分钟,体验快走带给您的所有健康益处。

出处:头条号 @万柳萌娃妈妈

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