网友【读懂美国】 2019-10-14 13:01:15 分享在【美国信息交流】版块    1    3

本周我们和大家一起阅读的《纽约时报》文章,是关于一场枪击案的深度报道。一个是一心想要维护城市安全的警察,一个是有犯罪前科担心再次被捕入狱的“问题青年”,发生肢体冲突后,其他警察为了保护同僚,开枪误杀了两人。这篇报道相对深入的展示了两个人的故事,也反思制度设计中的问题,让读者理解为什么这次致命的误会会发生。这是我们认为有价值的报道,让我们看到事件里的“为什么”,而不是简单下结论。我们也可以从这篇文章看到,人与人之间的确很容易发生误解,解决问题的好办法永远是耐心和善意聆听不同的声音,理解彼此。这篇文章的作者是 Ali Watkins, Jan Ransom, Ashley Southall 和 Edgar Sandoval,图文版权来自《纽约时报》。


NEW YORK — Brian Mulkeen, 33, had a fascination with heroes and action movies. It did not surprise his friends when he became a New York City police officer, in an aggressive plainclothes unit focused on getting guns off the street.

纽约电 — 33 岁的布莱恩·穆尔基恩对英雄人物和动作电影特别着迷。所以在他当上了纽约警察后,朋友们都觉得再正常不过了。他加入了一支作风激进的便衣警察小队,负责扫除纽约街头的枪支。

Antonio Lavance Williams, 27, a cook and a father of two from Binghamton, New York, had traveled to the Bronx to watch a televised prize fight with a friend. He was on probation for a drug conviction. He was also carrying a pistol, police say.

27 岁的安东尼奥·拉万斯·威廉姆斯则是纽约州宾厄姆顿市的一个厨师,也是两个孩子的父亲。这天他与朋友来到了纽约市布朗克斯区,计划看一场会通过电视转播的职业拳击比赛。他因为吸毒罪正在服缓刑,据警方称,他当时还携带了一把手枪。

The lives of these two men, of similar build and close in age, collided — and ended — violently, just after midnight Sunday, Sept. 29.

两人身材相仿、年龄相近。他们的命运发生了激烈碰撞,然后在 9 月 29 日周日午夜过后戛然而止。

Williams had everything to lose if he were arrested again, and when plainclothes officers tried to question him and another man outside the Edenwald Houses at 12:30 a.m., he ran. Mulkeen chased Williams, and they grappled in a dark courtyard behind a building.

威廉姆斯已经在服缓刑了,如果再次被捕,他就将失去一切。所以在深夜 12 时 30 分,几名便衣警察试图在 Edenwald Houses 居民区外盘问他和另一名男子时,威廉姆斯撒腿就跑。盘问他的警员中就有穆尔基恩,他追上威廉姆斯,他们在一栋大楼后面黑乎乎的院子里扭打起来。

Within minutes, both were mortally wounded by gunshots fired by officers. Mulkeen fired five times at Williams before being shot by his fellow officers. Williams’ .32-caliber revolver was never fired.

没过几分钟,两人就被另几名警员击中,身受致命枪伤。在被同僚击中前,穆尔基恩一共朝威廉姆斯开了 5 枪,而威廉姆斯的 0.32 英寸口径左轮手枪并未射过一枪。

Ten days later, police have released few details about the shooting. The department has not said why Mulkeen and his partners stopped Williams nor has it said when or how the officers learned Williams had a loaded gun. And it has not explained how Mulkeen ended up in the line of fire of his partners.

事件过去 10 天后,警方只公布了一部分枪击案细节。他们没有透露为什么穆尔基恩和他的同僚要拦下威廉姆斯,也没有说明便衣警察是在什么时候、怎样得知威廉姆斯持有一把上了膛的枪。此外警方也没有解释为什么作为警察的穆尔基恩会被同僚击中。

To some critics of police, the deaths of Mulkeen and Williams are emblematic of the risks inherent in the Police Department’s strategy of sending plainclothes teams to search for people with guns. The units have been accused of being overzealous and of stopping people on questionable legal grounds.


The “friendly fire” police death — the second time this year an officer has been killed by colleagues’ bullets — has also led to calls for more training.


At Mulkeen’s funeral, the police commissioner, James P. O’Neill, said, “One person is responsible for Brian’s death, and that’s the person carrying a loaded and illegal gun that decided to run from the police.”


From Wall Street to the NYPD


A decade ago, Brian Mulkeen was a financial adviser for Merrill Lynch, on Park Avenue.

10 年前,布莱恩·穆尔基恩是美林证券的一名财务顾问,在纽约公园大道工作。

It should have been a dream job; he had a degree in finance, and the salary was good. But after two years, he was unhappy, his friends and family said. He told friends his work lacked meaning. He wanted to become a police officer.


“He took a huge pay cut to protect people in some of the worst neighborhoods in the city because he felt that call,” said Daniel Tucker, a police sergeant in Salem, Massachusetts.


Mulkeen’s pivot toward law enforcement seemed to be preordained. His grandfather had worked as a police detective, and two of his uncles were law enforcement officers, family said.


He resigned from Merrill Lynch in 2009 and moved to Orange County, New York. He picked up part-time work as a police dispatcher in the nearby town of Tuxedo and took a basic police training course, graduating with honors.

2009 年,穆尔基恩从美林证券辞职,并搬到了纽约州奥兰治县。他在附近的塔克西多镇上兼职做警署调度员,同时参加了基础警员培训课程,并以优异的成绩毕业。

Mulkeen joined the New York Police Department in January 2013 and was assigned to a beat in the Bronx. Not long after, he was promoted to the borough’s plainclothes anti-crime unit.

2013 年 1 月,穆尔基恩加入了纽约市警察局,被派往布朗克斯区下属的辖区工作。不久他就得到提拔,成了布朗克斯区打击犯罪小队的成员。

His commanding officer, Capt. Jeff Heilig, described Mulkeen as a “gentle giant.” “When it was time to be on the street to be the police, he was. When it was time to be compassionate and have a heart, he did,” he said.


As he settled into the job, Mulkeen started dating another officer in the Bronx, and the couple bought a fixer-upper in Yorktown Heights.


“They just brought so much energy to the neighborhood,” said Peter Pepdjonovic, 45, who lives on the same block. “We are all heartbroken here.”

住在同一个街区 45 岁的彼得·佩季奥诺维奇表示:“他们给社区带来了很多活力,(对他的死)我们都很伤心。”

Troubled, but Loved


If Mulkeen seemed driven, Antonio Lavance Williams appeared unmoored.


“He had his troubles,” said Manny Germosen, 25, who met Williams when they were children in Rockland, New York. “But he was always there for everybody.”

25 岁的曼尼·格尔莫森在孩提时代就在纽约州罗克兰与威廉姆斯相识。他表示:“他有他的问题,但他总是会为所有人着想。”

Born in Washington, D.C., Williams spent his early years in Maryland before moving to New York state to live with his father. He attended North Rockland High School, where he met Tian Montanez. Their friendship turned romantic in 2015, and they had a son, who is now 2. Williams also had 4-year-old daughter from another relationship.

威廉斯出生在华盛顿特区,小时候住在马里兰州,后来移居到纽约州与父亲同住。他在北罗克兰高中上学,并在那儿认识了蒂亚妮·蒙塔内斯。2015 年,两人恋爱。他们生了一个儿子,今年已经 2 岁了。威廉姆斯还有一个和别人生的女儿。

Williams came from “a good family,” Montanez said. His father, Shawn Williams, is a psychiatrist at a hospital, and his stepmother is a pediatrician, Montanez said.


He was a lively teenager, his family said — the life of the party. Relatives recalled his sense of humor and said he enjoyed music and rapping.


From a young age, he looked out for his friends, Germosen recalled, adding that when they were 12, Williams, who was tall and stocky, protected Germosen from another boy who bullied him.

格尔莫森回忆说,他从小就很会照顾朋友。他们 12 岁时,身材高大的威廉姆斯就保护过格尔莫森不被另一个男生欺负。

Williams began associating with a gang at a young age, Montanez said, though she tried to steer him away. In 2011, when he was 19, he and another man were accused of breaking into two homes and taking jewelry and other valuables. He was convicted in 2012, and spent two years in prison.

蒙塔内斯则表示,威廉姆斯年轻时就加入了帮派,但她一度试图劝他远离那些狐朋狗友。2011 年他 19 岁时,和另一个男子被控两次非法入室盗窃,偷了一些首饰和贵重物品。2012 年被判有罪,入狱两年。


*Tian Montanez,站在中间,举着威廉姆斯的照片。摄影:Heather Ainsworth。

Not long after his release in 2014, he was rearrested on a parole violation and admitted to a drug treatment facility.

2014 年获释后不久,威廉姆斯又因违反假释规定再次被捕,并被送进了一家戒毒机构。

“I don’t know what he was thinking,” Montanez said, of his gang affiliation.


The couple’s life took a turn in 2016 when Montanez, now 23, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, she said. Williams worked as a garbage collector and as a cook to pay rent while Montanez was out of work, she said. To save money, they decided to move from Rockland County to Binghamton with their son.

现年 23 岁的蒙塔内斯说,在 2016 年,自己被诊断患有多发性硬化症,两人的生活发生改变。她说在她失业期间,威廉姆斯做了垃圾清理工和厨师两份工作来支付房租。为了缩减开支,他们决定带着儿子从罗克兰县搬到了宾厄姆顿。

Montanez had Williams’ parole transferred to that county, she said. Williams found work as a cook at a restaurant and furnished their bedroom with items from the Salvation Army. If the family ran out of food, Williams would take their son to the local pantry to get some, Montanez said.


But in August, their lives unraveled. Montanez was going through a closet when she discovered a handgun wrapped in a red bandanna and a bag of heroin. According to a deposition filed at the time, Montanez confronted Williams; he slapped her, took the items and left.

可是到了今年 8 月,一家人的生活出了新的问题。蒙塔内斯在整理壁橱时发现了一把被包在红色印花大围巾里的手枪,还有一袋海洛因。据当时的一份笔录证词显示,蒙塔内斯与威廉姆斯当面对峙,结果后者扇了她一巴掌,拿了枪和海洛因就走了。

Montanez sought an order of protection against him. She said in an interview last week that she had lied: “It wasn’t true he slapped me. I just wanted him out the house.”


Williams, she said, told her that he had gotten the gun to protect his family. “On Aug. 15, he left this house, and he started going downhill,” she added.

她还说,威廉姆斯告诉她,他拿枪是为了保护家人。“他在 8 月 15 日离家出走,从那以后就开始走下坡路。”

In recent months, Williams was moving between homes, she said.


On Saturday, Sept. 28, Williams called Montanez to tell her that he was watching a televised boxing match with a friend. He did not mention that he was in the Bronx.

9 月 28 日星期六,威廉姆斯打电话给蒙塔内斯说,他正和一个朋友在看一场会通过电视转播的拳击比赛。但他没有说自己在哪儿。

Getting Guns Off the Street



*事发地附近。摄影:Demetrius Freeman。 

Twenty-four hours before he died, Mulkeen arrested a man in the Bronx for possession of a loaded gun. Since joining the force, he had made about 270 arrests, most for gun possession.

穆尔基恩殉职的 24 个小时前,他在布朗克斯拘捕了一名男子,因为后者持有一把上了膛的手枪。穆尔基恩当上警察后一共拘捕了 270 人,大部分是因为嫌疑人持有枪支。

Getting guns off the street was the mandate for Mulkeen’s unit, a plainclothes anti-crime team responsible for patrolling stubborn pockets of violence in a city with crime rates at historic lows.


Often, that translated to making street stops.


The strategy is not without controversy. According to court records, Mulkeen was sued in 2015 by a man who said he was falsely arrested. The charges were dropped, and the city settled the lawsuit for $15,000.

这种做法并非没有争议。据法庭记录显示,穆尔基恩曾在 2015 年遭到起诉,涉事男子称自己是被错误逮捕的。后来指控被撤销,市政府最后支付了 1.5 万美元结案。

The man, Joseph Speights, said he had been arrested on a spurious charge after he told Mulkeen and his team that he was going to file a complaint against them for pulling him over in the Bronx.


Mulkeen’s partner, officer Brian Mahon, came under scrutiny early this year for making what a judge determined was an unconstitutional arrest. Mahon had pulled a man over in the Bronx and claimed he saw a bulge in the man’s pants that he believed was a gun. A gun was never found, but Mahon did report finding cocaine.


Their Final Hours



*民众自发到穆尔基恩家门口摆放花束。摄影:Andrew Seng。

Late Saturday night, Mulkeen was riding shotgun with Mahon. Another officer sat in the back seat. As they cruised the Edenwald neighborhood, Mahon blasted John Denver’s “Take Me Home, Country Roads.” Their partner started recording as Mahon sang along, smiling for the camera, according to video on Mahon’s Facebook page.

周六深夜,穆尔基恩坐在副驾驶上与马洪同行,车后排还坐了另一个警员。他们行驶到 Edenwald 居民区附近时,马洪大声唱起了约翰·丹佛的名曲《乡村路带我回家》。据马洪 Facebook 主页上的视频显示,是他们的同伴录了视频,马洪一边唱着歌一边对着镜头微笑。

The trio was patrolling the area after a spate of recent shootings. Days earlier, two groups had traded about 30 rounds of gunfire at 7:30 a.m. Fearing more violence, the department sent in Mulkeen’s unit.

三名警员巡逻的区域最近发生了多起枪击案。几天前,两队人马在早上 7 时 30 分对射了大约 30 发子弹。警方担心会发生更多的暴力事件,于是派出了穆尔基恩的小队巡逻。

Police said the officers spotted Williams, and for reasons that remain unclear, they stopped to question him.


A witness, Thomas Davis, said that Williams was standing with a second man near a green mailbox on the north side of East 229th Street when the unmarked police car rolled up slowly. When officers got out of the car, Williams ran across the street and between two buildings in the housing complex.

一个名叫托马斯·戴维斯的目击者说,威廉姆斯当时正和另一个男子站在东 229 街北侧一只绿色邮筒旁。一辆无标识的警车缓缓驶来。警察走下车时,威廉姆斯跑到了马路对面,穿进了住宅区的两栋大楼之间。

Mulkeen sprinted after him. “Hey you! Stop running! Come here!” the officer yelled, according to Davis. Williams, he said, replied, “I didn’t do nothing. Why are you bothering me? Why are you after me?”


It is unclear whether the officers thought Williams had a gun.


Mulkeen caught up to Williams, and the two men began struggling. Williams reached for his waistband, police said. Police said Mulkeen can be heard yelling, “He’s reaching for it! He’s reaching for it!” on body-camera footage.


Body cameras worn by several of the officers recorded the encounter, according to police officials, but none of the video has been released publicly. The police commissioner said Tuesday that some of the video would be released soon, but not all of it because it is part of an investigation by the Bronx district attorney’s office.



*Brian Mulkeen Sr,穆尔基恩的父亲,在穆尔基恩的葬礼上。摄影:Gregg Vigliotti。

Mulkeen fired his gun five times, police said. His partners and three other officers who ran up to assist Mulkeen heard the gunshots and some of them also fired weapons. The officers may have assumed they were being attacked — “Shots fired! Ambush!” one shouted over a police radio.

警方称穆尔基恩开了 5 枪。跑上前帮忙的两个搭档和另外 3 名警员听到了枪声,其中几人也开了枪。他们可能以为自己遭到了袭击,一个警员对着无线电叫道:“有人开枪了!有埋伏!”

A police official who has seen the body-camera footage of the shooting said the officers appeared to be firing toward what looked like a dark heap on the ground. Officers fired a total of 10 rounds. Two struck Mulkeen: one in the head and one in the torso. Williams was struck seven times, his girlfriend said. She said relatives told her that Williams also had a large gash under his eye and bruising.

一名看过枪击现场视频的警官表示,几名警员似乎在朝地上一堆黑乎乎的东西开枪。警方一共开了 10 枪,两枪击中了穆尔基恩的头部,还有一枪击中了他的躯干。而据威廉姆斯的女友透露,威廉姆斯中了 7 枪。她还表示几个亲戚告诉她说,威廉姆斯一只眼睛下面被划开了个大口,而且还有淤伤。

In the chaotic aftermath, Mulkeen’s partners can be heard on police scanners, screaming for an ambulance. Instead of waiting, they put him into a patrol car and raced to Jacobi Medical Center, but he could not be saved.


The .32-caliber revolver found near Williams, which his girlfriend confirmed was his, had never been fired.

事后在威廉姆斯身边发现的 0.32 英寸口径左轮手枪一枪未发。据女友证实,这把枪是威廉姆斯的。

It remains unclear whose bullets killed Mulkeen and Williams. Reconstructing the scene and interviewing the officers involved could take weeks or months, police said.


Firearms experts said there is little guidance during police training on what to do when a colleague is wrestling with an armed suspect. “Certainly, the death of their brother officer was not something they wanted to see happen,” said John C. Cerar, a former commander of the police firearms and tactics section.



*威廉姆斯的朋友们在为他守夜时点上蜡烛。摄影 Heather Ainsworth。

But friends of Williams have said both deaths might have been avoided if Mulkeen and the other officers had taken a different approach. “I can’t see somebody being praised when there was ways around a lethal situation,” Germosen said.


Montanez said Williams likely ran because he would have been sent back to prison if he were arrested. “Maybe he was in the wrong,” she said, “but he didn’t have to die.”


For Mulkeen’s friends and colleagues, he was a model officer who acted courageously.


“He wanted to make the city better for everybody,” said officer Matthew DiBuono, a former New York City police officer who now works in Mamaroneck, New York, and has known Mulkeen since their days at Fordham University. “A true cop’s cop.”


原文标题:They Took Different Paths. They Died Together in the Bronx.

原文作者:Ali Watkins, Jan Ransom, Ashley Southall 和 Edgar Sandoval

翻译:熊猫译社 智竑

@2019 The New York Times Company

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