这两天,在微博积极冲浪的小侨注意到了这则新闻:据央视财经报道,赴美留学的学生中低龄学生的数量锐减,但是本科和硕士阶段的申请量却暴增。根据权威数据统计,上月美国申请的成交量和递交量都非常惊人,都是针对今年秋季和明年春季入学的申请。与之相对的是美国最新的相关政策调整。全美100%高校都将恢复线下授课3月24日,美国教育部长Miguel Ca
Just 2% of Conversations End When We Want Them ToA new scientific paper suggests that only around 2% of conversations end when both speakers want them to.The study was l
These things happened to me nearly ten years ago.I lived in the city, but city was hot in the summer.I wanted to see the country, I wanted to walk in the woods and see g