词汇:humiliation 耻辱Humiliation. Many of us have experienced it, right? That horrific feeling of just wanting the ground to open up and swallow us. It’s an awful sensation
这个问题已经被科学家们争论了几百年,但最近麻省总医院(MGH)的研究人员通过跟布朗大学、退伍军人事务部和其他一些机构的专家合作进行的一项研究为解决这个谜团增加了新的线索。资料图他们的研究最近发表在《Journal of Neuroscience》上,这可能有助于解释个人如何记住事情和掌握新技能。另外,它还可能有助于为那些有神经系统疾病或
低薪与过劳:谷歌合同工光鲜外表背后的尴尬Underpaid and overworked: Behind the scenes with Google’s data center contractors本文和深知社大多数技术文章不同,更像是一篇第三人称的纪实访谈文学作品,这里没有MW、平米、冷却、配电、并购、部署等术语,只有LEE,Wa
cut the cheese: to release intestinal gas, to fart. 放屁I can't believe you cut the cheese in the car. Now we have to smell it all the way home!People who cut the cheese i
So, it looks like you like someone.And you're scanning through your brain for possible ideas on how to make them notice you.So far, you've come up with nothing.So, you t