Smart people are quiet because they are smart, very smart, and supremely smart.聪明人很安静因为他们聪明、很聪明、超级聪明。1. Speaking teaches you little or nothing. It is far more enlighteni
注意:“秋衣秋裤”的英文,跟英文单词“autumn(秋天)”,真的没关系哦!thermal -- adj. 保暖的,有热量的thermals -- 经常被人们当做名词复数形式,来表达:成套的,比较厚点的秋衣秋裤(类似于我们穿的保暖衣,保暖裤)Have you put your thermals on?你穿上你的保暖衣了吗?I don't
人生中难免会遇到各种磕磕绊绊,然而,身处逆境时能够从容应对十分重要。如何衡量一个人的适应力?怎样可以更好地面对挫折?词汇:resilience 适应力We’ve all heard of IQ, and terms like EQ, which relates to your emotional intelligence, are co
You're watching FreeSchool! If you live in the United States, you have probably already heard the story of the first Thanksgiving—how the Pilgrims came over on the Mayfl
Starbucks Japan Trials Rental Cup InitiativeStarbucks Japan is trialing a new rental cup initiative to reduce the use of disposable cups.From November 22, 2021, until Ma
有同学把“我正在找工作”说成了 I'm finding a job,当时他就懵了。这句话到底哪里有问题,正确表达又怎么说呢?一起看看吧!找工作 ≠ find a joblook for a job 找工作“我正在找工作”说成 I'm looking for a job 是没有问题的。这是因为 look for 侧重于“找”的过程,而 f
Reporter: "We continue to report live on the scene as the hostage standoff as Field’s Market enters its third hour. According to a police spokesman, there has been no fu
有些人认为,朋友之间谈钱伤感情。不论是借钱给朋友,还是向朋友借钱,都可能会影响两人的友谊。这里面到底有哪些风险?我们如何避免这些风险?词汇:borrowing money 借钱Shakespeare once wrote: ‘Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses b