Edie: "You kicked ass in rehab today."你今天在康复中心表现得真不错。Mike: "Yeah, I raised my arm over my head. Sign me up for the Olympics."是啊,我可以把胳膊举过头顶了。让我参加奥运会吧。Edie: "Oh, be patien
Egypt to Get First High-Speed Electric Rail LineEgypt has signed a deal with Siemens Mobility to develop the country's first high-speed electric train line.Egypt plans t
California Becomes First US State to Celebrate Kimchi DayNovember 22 has officially become "Kimchi Day" in the US state of California.The bill became law on August 23, m
美国职业移民第一类优先(First Preference Employment Based Immigration,简称EB-1)又称“杰出人才”移民,是美国职业类移民申请中的一类,是美国移民法专门为在艺术、科学、教育、商业和运动等领域拥有杰出才能的外籍人士提供的移民途经。杰出人才移民是美国政府“招才纳贤”,积极吸引招纳世界各国优秀人才