Hi, Bob, the Canadian here. Welcome to this English lesson on how to express hope in English. If you look behind me, you'll see that the daffodils are blooming.Every yea
If you’re reading this, I imagine you want to communicate with confidence and competence in English。如果你在看这篇文章,我能想象你是想更好、更自信地用英语交流。Here are 33 ways to speak better Englis
美国的毕业季除了花式的毕业照之外,最大的亮点估计就是各路名人大咖的毕业演讲(commencement speech)了, commencement有“新开始”之意,这也是毕业演讲的意义所在。毕业典礼是毕业生们期待已久的职业生涯的开始,从此刻开始,带着新的目标和希望重新出发。Good morning, or as our very own