Neil, tell me about your first ever job.尼尔,和我说说你的第一份工作吧。I worked in a supermarket stacking shelves when I was sixteen.我16岁的时候在超市整理货架。How was it?工作怎么样?It was quite boring
变态的亚特兰大枪击案嫌犯,和华人群体的怯懦心理。2021年3月16日,亚特兰大发生枪击案,一名21岁的白人青年,直袭三家华人按摩店,造成包括2名华人在内的6名亚裔死亡,震惊了美国的亚裔和华人群体。事发的第三天,拜登对屠杀进行了最强烈的谴责,将其定性为“反亚洲人的邪恶仇恨罪”(Vicious hate-crimes against Asi
眼看就又要到月底了,果然不出所料,今天一上班儿外教Tony就开始跟着老板屁股后面嘟囔:I'm flat broke once again and don't know how I'm going to pay my rent.看到这句话有的同学可能就奇怪了,老外没钱交房租怎么还跟躺不躺平了有啥关系呢?是在抱怨家里连床都没有吗?!其实大家
Just 2% of Conversations End When We Want Them ToA new scientific paper suggests that only around 2% of conversations end when both speakers want them to.The study was l
这世上的事儿还真说不准,干我们这行的尤其深谙其道。这不新来的销售小王前几天谈了个大合同之后就一直洋洋自得地到处晃荡,结果老板看不下去了,甩给他一句:Don't count your chickens before they hatch,their acceptance of the contract is still open to d
These things happened to me nearly ten years ago.I lived in the city, but city was hot in the summer.I wanted to see the country, I wanted to walk in the woods and see g
为支持国际学生赴美,2021年3月18日美国教育委员会(American Council on Education,简称ACE)主席Ted Mitchell代表ACE向美国国务卿Antony Blinken及美国国土安全部部长Alejandro Mayorkas请愿,希望他们能够尽快采取措施帮助国际学生于今年秋季成功返回校园。请愿的信件