Average 20-Year-Old in US Knows 42,000 WordsIt's difficult to say how many words the English language has. New words are often added to English dictionaries, while other
从年头盼到年尾,《神奇女侠1984》终于要上映了,同样将在12月上映的佳片还有乔治·克鲁尼的《午夜天空》、汤姆·汉克斯的《世界新闻》、皮克斯动画《心灵奇旅》,还有改编自爱尔兰神话的动画电影《狼行者》。 Still from Wonder Woman 1984. (Credit: Warner Bros.) Wonder Woman 19
经过几天的等待,美国大选结果终于来了。拜登击败川普,成功当选总统。看一下媒体的报道:After days of uncertainty, Joe Biden has won the US Presidential Election 2020. He’s scheduled to take office as the 46th Presi
在互联网高速发展的今天,信用体系臻于完善,消费分期的生活方式被越来越多的年轻人认可,尤其是买房、买车分期付款屡见不鲜。那你知道分期付款英语怎么说吗?想当然地翻译为 pay by many times 不是地道的表达方式,正确的应该是 payment by installments 或者是 hire purchase。还有其他的付款方式怎