网友【english】 2020-11-15 18:55:29 分享在【美国信息交流】版块    1    5


01. 阅读现状


02. 阅读意义


03. 泛读



04. 精读



The report shows that the average reading volume per capita in my country last year was only 7.99. Compared with 64 books by Jews, 40 books by Japanese, and 20 books by French, the average reading volume of Chinese is lower. With the digitization and fragmentation of reading, people's reading volume is declining, while reading level is also showing a downward trend.

Reading allows us to see farther away, not limited to the present. It may not allow us to become rich overnight, rank above 10,000, and change our destiny from now on, but it can affect a person's way of thinking, logic, conversation and cultivation. Reading is not to gain much wealth, but to maintain a calm heart in the ups and downs of life. When encountering difficulties or doubts, we can get some inspiration from the book and get a glimpse of light.

Reading is divided into two ways: extensive reading and intensive reading. Choose different reading methods for different purposes to get twice the result with half the effort.

Extensive reading, as the name implies, extensive reading, that is, a lot of reading. The main purpose of extensive reading is to increase the amount of reading and increase the breadth of knowledge. After a lot of reading, you can identify the pros and cons of books. As the basis of accuracy, extensive reading plays a more important role. When doing extensive reading, you need to choose different types of books and study extensively. You only need to understand the general content and general meaning of the article. Make it have a general impression in your mind, and it can be used for after-dinner conversation.

Intensive reading refers to detailed and in-depth reading. Since intensive reading is to be carried out, the first thing to do is to select books, which need to be carefully selected. Once you are determined to read which book you want to read, you must stick to it. To fully understand a book, you must first understand its creative background and the author's life, before you know what the author is trying to express. Second is the structure. The structure is like a human bone. If the structure of the article is not arranged, it will be like a hemiplegic patient. After that is the theme idea. It is the core of reading to understand what the author really wants to convey to the reader. Only when you know the theme idea can you really enter the book. The second is the use of materials in the book and the author's questioning methods. In the process of reading, you must not only think, but also be diligent in taking reading notes, excerpt the wonderful places, record the inspiration and thoughts you get from them, review and chew frequently, and you will have new experiences. Constantly improving and enriching, the nutrition in the book becomes our own thing.


撰文:头条号 @LearningYard学苑

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