Longer Breaks Might Help You Study BetterResearchers in Germany have found that taking long breaks while studying may actually help us remember things better the next da
累了困了?来杯咖啡吧!如今,咖啡文化在中国逐渐流行,但在人的印象中,咖啡算不上什么健康好饮品,论养生,它的地位不如茶,以至于人们喝咖啡时总会冒出N个纠结:会不会伤身?晚上会不会睡不着?上瘾了咋办?01 BMC Public Health 重磅研究:喝任何咖啡都能降低肝病风险当人们还在纠结咖啡该不该喝时,来自英国的一项研究申明了立场:不管
Five Health Benefits of Walking: 30 Minutes a Day Makes a DifferenceWalking is one of the simplest ways to increase your physical activity and improve your health.步行是增加身