人生总是在路上,用英语来说,就是on the road;同时,人生也总是在各种启程的路上,用英语来说,就是take the road。
不管是on the road还是take the road,它们都有其他相似的词组,而这些词组总会有其特别的意思。
先看一下,on the road和in the road,两个词组只差一个介词,它们有什么区别呢?
1. on the road 在路上
After two days on the road, they reached the coast.
2. in the road 在路面上
和上面on the road不一样,in the road主要强调“事物在路面上”,有可能表达这事物阻碍到交通了。
What were they doing in the road?
接下来,讲一下take the road,于此相似的是take the high road,多一次high,又是表达什么意思呢?
3. take (to) the road 起身,启程
take (to) the road,一般用于表示“路程的开始,旅程的开始”。
After a short visit, they took to the road again.
4. take the high road 堂堂正正的,道德得
take the high road,可能会有一些小白误会成“开上高速路”的意思。然而并不是这个意思,take the high road,主要表示“做事时,会选择有道德,堂堂正正的方式”。
He decided to take the high road and say he was sorry.
5. one for the road 饯行酒
最后再说一个词组,one for the road,这里的one,表示“喝酒”,千万不要以为这是在鼓励“酒后驾驶”,这里的酒,指的是送行的“饯行酒”。
It's past 11 o'clock and they ask for one for the road.
出处:头条号 @英语罐头