President Trump and former Vice President Biden have just concluded their first presidential debate in Cleveland, Ohio.
The 90-minute debate focused on six topics -- "The Trump and Biden Records," "The Supreme Court," "Covid-19," "The Economy," "Race and Violence in our Cities" and "The Integrity of the Election."
COVID-19 precautions changed the way that the debate was held. Audience size was severely reduced, everyone attending underwent testing for COVID-19, and the candidates forgoed a handshake. Also, there was no media “spin room”, which is where campaigns typically send their surrogates to talk up their candidates after the debate.
The debate was sponsored and produced by the nonprofit corporation the Commission on Presidential Debates, established in 1987 to sponsor and produce the debates and ensure that they are a permanent part of the electoral process.
The next two debates are scheduled for October 15 and October 22, while the Vice Presidential debate is scheduled for October 7.
You can watch the debates at: https://www.c-span.org/debates/
#U.S. General Election will be held on November 3rd#
#U.S. Elections#
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