What It Means
A quip is a clever remark or a witty or funny observation or response.
A quip 是一个聪明的回答或机智的观察力、有趣的反应能力。
QUIP in Context
"[Ronald Reagan] faced the age question during his reelection campaign in 1984, when he was only 73. In his debate against Democrat Walter F. Mondale, he dispelled the issue with a quip: 'I will not make age an issue in this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience.'" — Doyle McManus, The Los Angeles Times, 21 Nov. 2021
73 岁的罗纳德·里根,在 1984 年的连任竞选中面临年龄问题。在与民主党人沃尔特·F·蒙代尔的辩论中,他用一句妙语化解了这个问题:‘我不会让年龄成为竞选活动的问题。出于政治目的,我也不会利用对手的年轻及其缺少的经验。
Did You Know?
Quip is a shortening of quippy, a noun that is no longer in use. Etymologists believe that quippy came from Latin quippe, a word meaning "indeed" or "to be sure" that was often used ironically.
Quip 是 quippy 的缩写,是一个不使用的名词。 词源学家认为 quippy 来自拉丁语 quippe,这个词的意思是“indeed「确实」”或“to be sure「确定」”,经常被用来讽刺。
Fill in the blanks to complete a word for something that is designed to arouse amusement or laughter: j _ _ e.
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