Survey Finds Americans' Top Air Travel Pet PeevesAir travel is back, including everything you hated about it. But what do you like least about planes and flying? Is it n
Beach Robot Cleans Up After SmokersDid you know that cigarette butts are the most littered items on the planet? About 4.5 trillion of them are thrown into the environmen
'Coldest Swim on Earth' to Be Completed in GreenlandDo you avoid the beach when the water gets cold? Lewis Pugh doesn't. This British-South African swimmer has swum in t
西北大学历史学博士,《华尔街智囊团:对外关系委员会和美国外交政策》(Wall Street’s Think Tank: The Council on Foreign Relations and the Empire of Neoliberal Geopolitics)作者劳伦斯·肖普(Laurence H. Shoup)于2021年5月