BBC英语阅读和听力训练 ~ How to be more resilient?
网友【english】 2021-10-30 15:48:28 分享在【美国信息交流】版块    1    5




词汇:resilience 适应力

We’ve all heard of IQ, and terms like EQ, which relates to your emotional intelligence, are commonly used. But have you heard of AQ? AQ stands for adversity quotient and measures your ability to deal with the ups and downs of life. Being able to handle these rough patches we all go through is not only important in our personal lives but in our professional lives too. So how can we learn to be more resilient?

Adverse situations can take us by surprise and shock us. In the workplace, it could be in the form of redundancies, the company we work for going under or being restructured, or even missing out on a promotion. Failed friendships and relationships, financial hard times and even bereavements are things that can occur outside of work. AQ measures our ability to withstand the shocks when life throws curveballs at us – how likely we are to crumble or thrive in these situations. It can be used to predict our attitudes, perseverance, longevity, and the way we learn from changes in environment. In short, our resilience when there is a drastic change.

Luckily, there are some steps you can take to help you be more resilient and adaptablein the face of adversity, according to Dr Shahram Heshmat, professor of health economics at the University of Illinois. First, try and find a meaningfulgoal. Resilient people often have an aim and are able to concentrate more on a desired outcome, seeing negative situations as a bump in the road on the way to achieving their goal. Learning to relax and regulate your emotions is another key step – one way to help you destress is by practising breathing exercises. Likewise, dwelling on things and letting them get to you can cause you to be stressed. See difficulties more as an opportunity to learn and grow emotionally. Finally, make sure you have a good social support network. Being able to talk with someone about the challenges we face can help.

Things happen in life we can’t prevent – and sometimes they aren’t pleasant. But, taking a few steps to be more resilient can make them a little easier to get through.


adversity 逆境,不幸

ups and downs 起起伏伏,波折

handle 应对,处理

rough patch 磕磕绊绊,困难时期

take someone by surprise 使某人措手不及

redundancy 裁员

bereavement 亲友丧亡

withstand 经受,承受

curveball 突如其来的难题

crumble 崩溃

thrive 出色应对(困难)

perseverance 坚持不懈

longevity 此处指持续的时长

drastic (变化)巨大的

resilient 适应力强的

adaptable 可适应变化的

in the face of 面对(困难)仍…

meaningful 有意义的

a bump in the road 一次坎坷、挫折

dwell on 念念不忘,耿耿于怀

get to someone 使某人难受

support network 提供支持的关系网络

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