全英文阅读训练 ~ 埃及将铺设首条高速电气化铁路线路(中等水平)
网友【english】 2021-10-01 04:50:52 分享在【美国信息交流】版块    2    5

Egypt to Get First High-Speed Electric Rail Line

Egypt has signed a deal with Siemens Mobility to develop the country's first high-speed electric train line.

Egypt plans to build a network of high-speed tracks that will be a total of 1,800 kilometers long, with the first line expected to open in 2023.

The first high-speed train line will be 660 kilometers long and will connect Ain Sokhna, a city on the Red Sea, with Marsa Matrouh and Alexandria on the Mediterranean. The trains will be able to travel at speeds of up to 250 kilometers per hour.


Egypt's population has more than doubled since 1980 to 100 million. About 20 million people live in Cairo, and the city is becoming too crowded. New cities are now being built near Cairo, and the train network is part of government plans to improve the country's infrastructure.

The high-speed network will also connect Cairo to a new, $40 billion capital city being built about 45 kilometers to the east.

"In Egypt the population is growing, the economy is growing," Siemens Mobility CEO Michael Peter told CNN. He added that with more traffic in the country, "the question is which type of transportation will people and goods use?"

Siemens Mobility says about 30 million people will use the new train network every year. The high-speed network could also mean that 15% more goods in Egypt will be transported by train.

Egyptian Minister of Transport Kamel al-Wazir said the train network will also help tourism by offering a safe and efficient way of traveling around the country.


1. When will the first line of Egypt's new train network open?

2. What is the population of Cairo?

3. How many people does Siemens Mobility say will use the new train network every year?


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