tooth decay 蛀牙decayed tooth 蛀牙cavity 洞;凹处;腔;蛀牙应用实例:1.Tooth decay can eventually destroy your wisdom tooth.蛀牙最终会毁了你的智齿。2.I had a decayed tooth drawn by the dentist.牙医给我拔出
春节长假过后一上班,同事们就马不停蹄地忙碌了起来,不知道的还以为老板给发了多少加班费呢......其实压根儿不是那么回事儿!是因为节前大家都没心思工作,把好多事儿都给留到了节后,导致了现在拼命干活的节奏。今天就跟大家说一个与此有关的短语~drive/work/run (oneself or something) into the gro
同事小黄今年都快四十了还一直单身,春节后他突然同意去相亲了,这让我们都大吃一惊。外教 Tony 便故作深沉地分析道:He doesn't usually go on blind dates, but he took a leap in the dark and agreed to meet Janney's friend for din