分享一个非常有用且地道的表达——running on empty, 这个短语的含义不是指“空跑一趟”,其正确的含义是:running on empty 勉强支撑(虽精疲力竭仍打起精神继续工作并保持活跃)I get the impression he's been running on empty for months now. A ho
散步, 这个短语最直接明了的表达是“take a walk”,但是我们今天学习两个更加高级且地道的表达:stretch one's legs 散步After having sat all day at the computer, I decided to go and stretch my legs in the park.在电脑前坐了
Well hey there I'm Emma from mmmEnglish! Now learning powerful words is really great for your English vocabulary but if you can't use them effectively, there's just not
Dwight and Mamie Eisenhower watching a television during the Republican National Convention, Chicago, Illinois (Library of Congress)德怀特·艾森豪威尔和玛米·艾森豪威尔在伊利诺伊州芝加哥举行的共和党全国代表
Lynette:I don't know why I have to get dragged into this.What happened with my kids has nothing to do with Bree's situation with Andrew.Sit.我不知道我怎么被扯进来的。布里怎么对我的孩子跟她怎么对安德
美国人经常说的look my best可不是“看我最好的”!当我们说到look my best表达的意思如下:To have the best possible appearance.也就是说展现出最好的一面。这么说好像有点不能理解,我们看个英文例句,你就能体会到了。Just wanted to look my best for you