当地时间2020年6月5日,密歇根大学工业与运营工程系教授布莱恩·丹顿(Brian Denton)在《国会山报》发表题为《川普对中国留学生的禁令将使美国企业、大学和创新力窒息》的文章。文章尖锐指出,阻挡中国学生赴美求学,将大大损害美国企业和大学的利益,这对美国自身而言可谓是有百害而无一利。
U.S. President Donald Trump's immigration order to restrict Chinese students and scholars would "stifle American companies, universities and innovation," Brian Denton, a professor and the chair of the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan, has warned.
American news website The Hill – a Washington DC-based outlet focusing on politics, policy, business and international relations – published an opinion piece penned by Denton on Friday.
Denton first pointed out that the new restrictions for Chinese students and scholars "threatens to cut off American universities from the valuable contributions that Chinese students make to our scholarly pursuits, and to jeopardize the $13 billion that they contribute to the United States economy each year."
"By suspending entry of certain students and researchers from the People's Republic of China, the White House is also stifling a flow of STEM talent that is critical to the success of American universities, as well as to companies like Amazon, Apple, Ford and IBM," the professor added.
Noting that "much remains to be understood about how this will affect the more than 350,000 Chinese students enrolled in American universities," he stressed the order has the potential to cause severe consequences for institutes of higher education and the economic security of the U.S., specifically pertaining to the "F" and "J" type visas that allow people to visit the country for the purposes of learning and conducting scientific research.
Citing his own experience of teaching and working alongside students from all over the world, including many from China, in the field of industrial engineering, Denton spoke highly of the young talents' academic performances and contributions that "positively impact fields like business, energy, mobility and health care."
He said that in addition to research advances and teaching assistance, many of these students also contribute to the financial viability of higher education in the nation, noting that "their tuition payments provide a valuable revenue stream that helps universities like ours deliver on our research and educational missions, in pursuit of the public good."
Hurting America more than China
On May 29, Trump signed a presidential proclamation that suspends the entry of graduate students and researchers from China. It went into effect on June 1.
The sweeping proclamation has come under criticism as many reckoned that it would economically hurt U.S. universities, with some critics indicating that it is more likely to harm efforts in America to innovate and produce important research.
当地时间6月1日0时3分,公告刚刚生效,美国《福布斯》杂志网站就“掐点”发布了对美国国务院签证办公室法律咨询意见科前主任杰弗里·戈尔斯基(Jeffrey Gorsky)的专访。
"The proclamation will damage the exchange of knowledge and talent," said Jeffrey Gorsky, former chief of the Legal Advisory Opinion section of the Visa Office in the U.S. Department of State, in an interview with Forbes on June 1.
"America will lose out on a valuable talent pool and the financial and scientific contributions these students make to U.S. universities and the United States," Gorsky added.
Fueling anti-Asian sentiment
美国亚裔维权组织“亚裔推进正义协会”(Asian Americans Advancing Justice)曾在一份声明中表示,“对中国留学生的签证禁令无非是另一种找替罪羊的方式罢了”,而这最终只会适得其反。
There are also concerns that the Trump administration's decisions and the president's rhetoric about Chinese students will create discrimination against the Chinese community in the United States, which has seen an increase of anti-Asian sentiment during the novel coronavirus pandemic.
Asian Americans Advancing Justice lashed out at Trump's actions in a joint statement with affiliates in Washington DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Atlanta and Chicago, saying: "This ban on Chinese students from studying in the U.S. is another way to scapegoat our communities, just as he has with the Muslim, African, refugee, and immigration bans."
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