昨天和同事们聚餐,在饭桌上管行政的李大姐一直在夸她们家养的那只猫有多可爱多乖巧,甚至连她们家猫怎么自己刨猫砂如厕的细节都描述得淋漓尽致......听得我们这一桌子人呐尴尬不已,又不好意思制止她~这时还是人家老外Tony没那么多事儿,直接来了句:“Come on, you are so TMI!”
看到这儿有的同学肯定会抢着说:"我知道,我知道,TMI 就是'信息量太大--脑子不够用'的意思!"呵呵,难道老外还想在饭桌上了解更多的如厕细节嘛?!其实,抢答的同学只说对了一半儿,这个TMI 的确是咱们网络上的流行用语,常常用于饭圈儿爆料时的表达,它就是“Too much information"的缩写,但大家不知道的是,这个短语其实是一句地道的美国口语,所引申的含义为"说的太多太具体了!"(你太啰嗦了!)所以,若是日后大家也碰上这种尴尬的对话场面时,尽可以跟对方说一句“Too much information!”委婉地表达出“你话太多啦!”的暗示。与这句 TMI 有个类似的词儿---overshare,用来描述那些分享控肆无忌惮地在社交媒体上不管他人感受的过度分享行为。
too much information
【En】Spoken informal used when someone has just told you details that you think are embarrassing or unpleasant, and you do not want to hear any more. 非正式口语,当某人刚刚告诉你一些你认为令人尴尬或不愉快的细节,而你不想再听下去时使用。Used when you want to tell someone that what they have said should be kept private or is embarrassing. 当你想告诉某人他们所说的话应该保密或令人尴尬时使用。Said to mean that you do not want to hear any more about something, because it is private or embarrassing. 意思是你不想再听到关于某件事的任何消息,因为它是隐私的或令人尴尬的。
overshare /ˌoʊ.vɚˈʃer/
n.〈口,非正式〉(过于私人或细节的)信息; 分享控;
v. 过度分享; 与人分享过多的个人信息
If someone overshares, they tell other people too much about their personal life.如果一个人overshare,他就是告诉别人太多有关他们的私人生活。
To reveal an inappropriate amount of detail about one's private life. 过多地透露个人私生活中的细节。
To tell people too much personal information about yourself. 告诉别人太多关于你自己的个人信息。
To disclose too much information, typically that which is related to one's personal life and which would makes the recipient uncomfortable or which the recipient would prefer not to know. 透露过多的信息,通常是与个人生活有关的,会让对方不舒服或不愿意知道的信息。
• She has a tendency to overshare on Facebook.
• He cautions students to not overshare online, to create complex passwords and to only use secure networks.
• She overshared about her new boyfriend today, and we were both embarrassed.
• The article emphasizes the fact that Generation Y has been trained to overshare.
• I know I could be oversharing here again, but you know, it's always better to get these things out up front.
• Please try not to overshare when the boss is around, OK? He doesn't need to know what the itch cream is for.
• Oh yes, Janet always overshares. Like, who cares that her hamster died?
• “I've been to the toilet twice already.” “Too much information!”
• “Your father and I used to do a lot of necking there.” “Geez, Mom, too much information!”
• “I was really ill at the weekend. I had to stay on the toilet all day.” “Too much information!”
• “Did you know I had another girlfriend before your mother?” “Dad, too much information”.
• Then he started telling me about his toenail fungus. Talk about too much information!
• Her tendency to overshare made her a reality TV star.
• She has a penchant for oversharing her disaster-ridden life on social media
• Oh yes, Janet always overshares. Like, who cares that her fourth hamster died—she's just going to go out and get another one anyway!
• People use their ever-present mobile devices to share, or overshare, every mundane detail of their lives.