网友【english】 2021-05-09 06:07:26 分享在【美国信息交流】版块    1    4

European Cities Plan for Post-COVID Cycling Boom

Cities in Europe are planning to continue to promote bicycle use after the COVID-19 pandemic has ended.

European cities including Paris, Brussels and Milan are investing in bicycle infrastructure to help inspire people to continue cycling, a hobby that has experienced a boom during the pandemic. By October last year, Europe had already spent more than $1 billion on cycling projects since the pandemic began, building 2,300 kilometers of cycling paths.

In Paris, the number of people cycling is estimated to have increased by 70% since spring 2020. In London, between April and June 2020, almost half of all journeys were made by cycling or walking, an increase from just 29% before the pandemic.

"Cycling has come out a big winner," said Jill Warren of the European Cyclists' Federation (ECF), speaking to the BBC.


Bicycles have increased in popularity during the pandemic because they allow people to travel long distances without relying on public transportation, where enclosed spaces could increase the risk of infection. More generally, cycling is also good for public health, since it's an easy form of exercise that can help protect people from diseases such as heart attack and stroke.

More people cycling could also have benefits for the environment. Studies show that since the pandemic began air quality has improved, and having fewer vehicles on the road has helped to decrease carbon emissions. In a May 2020 survey of 21 European cities, 64% of people said that they had noticed an improvement in air quality and didn't want to see a return to pre-pandemic pollution levels.

Speaking to The Guardian, Aleksander Buczyński of the ECF said that climate change makes building cycling infrastructure even more important — and we can't delay building it. "We need to do it fast. Maybe not in two months, but in a few years," he said.


1. What are your thoughts on the cycling boom during the COVID-19 pandemic?

2. Do you know anyone who has taken up cycling recently?

3. Do you expect cycling to continue to grow in popularity after the pandemic has ended? Why? Why not?

4. How often do you get around your town or city by cycling or walking?

5. Is your town or city investing in bicycle infrastructure?


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