1. go abroad(出国)
I can’t wait to go abroad next month.
2. go bad(变质)
Eat that cheese before it goes bad.
3. go bald(变秃)
My dad went bald before he was 30.
4. go bankrupt(破产)
If we manage the company’s cash flow carefully, we probably won’t go bankrupt.
5. go blind(失明)
If you keep reading WeChat on your phone in bed, you’ll go blind.
6. go crazy(发狂)
If you keep WeChatting in bed, I’ll go crazy.
7. go deaf(失聪)
8. go mad(发疯)
I will go mad if he doesn’t call me soon.
9. go fishing(去钓鱼)
Let’s go fishing.
10. go missing(失踪)
Why do you always go missing just when I need you?
11. go on foot / come on foot(步行)
It’s nice out today, so instead of driving, let’s go on foot.
He usually drives, but today the traffic was awful so he decided to come on foot.
12. go online(上线)
No WIFI here, so we can’t go online.
13. go out of business(歇业)
Because of the economy, they went out of business.
14. go overseas(去海外)
It’s my dream to go overseas.
15. go quiet(闭嘴)
He normally talks all the time, but if I ask him about the money he owes me, he will always go quiet.
16. go sailing(出海)
This weekend, I may go sailing.
17. go to war(大动干戈)
Let’s not go to war over this.
出处:头条号 @华尔街英语