1.Theapplicants have invested in China directly, have with steadyinvestment condition and good revenue record for more than 3years,have a good tax record.
KurtWthrich,winner of the 2002 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, received his permanentresidence permit in Shanghai on April 2, 2018, and is currently avisiting professor at ShanghaiTech University.
2.The applicants take the job continually as or above assistant generalmanagers or factory directors, have the high title of or above theassociate professor or assistant researcher, or have enjoy the equaltreatment in China for more than four years, during which theapplicants have been living in China continuously for more no lessthan three years and have good revenue records.
StephenMarbury leads CBA Beijing men's basketball team to threechampionships
3.Theapplicants have great and outstanding contributions to China or meetspecial requirements of the Chinese government.
4.Thespouse of Chinese citizens or the foreigners who have got thequalification of permanent resident in China, with the marriagelasted for more than five years and living in China for more thannine months every year and have steady living guarantee andresidence.
5.An unmarried minor under 18 born to a Chinese citizen or a foreigneralready with permanent residence status in China.
6.A person above 60 years old that has no immediate relatives abroadand seeks to remain with an immediate relative in China.
Applicantswill have to have had lived in China for at least five successiveyears with at least nine-month residence in China each year.
Applicantsalso have to have a stable source of income and a place of residence.Immediate relatives include parents (spouses parents), grandparents,children at least 18 years old and their spouse(s), and grandchildrenat least 18 years old and their spouse(s).
Gettinga China green card is a time consuming process, you may want toknow what are the benefits of China greencard?
1.Longvalidity Foreigners without a Chinese green card need to renewtheir residence permit once a year.
Thereare also limitations over the time duration and location they canstay within the PRC. In comparison, a Chinese green card forforeigners below 18 years of age is valid for five years and forthose above 18, it is valid for 10 years.
Becausethe Ministry of Public Security issues the card, it is validthroughout China.
2.Easyentry and exit With a passport and Chinese green card, one cango in and out of China freely without needing a visa, thus a greencard saves time and expense needed to get a visa each time you travelthrough customs.
AChinese green card can also be used separately as a legal certificateto stay in Beijing.
3.Employment Expatswithout residency permits and who come to study in schools are notallowed by law to work in China withoutapproval.
However,there is no such employment regulation limiting foreigners withChinese green cards.
Thismeans expats with a Chinese green card should be allowed to workfreely and treated according to all Chinese labor laws.
4.Children'seducationExpats with a Chinese green card have the same rights andresponsibilities (apart from the right to elect, be elected and servemilitary service) as Chinese citizens of the city they livein.
Thus,if in Beijing, their children can go to kindergarten, primary andhigh schools without extra fees.
Mostexpats send their children to international schools in Beijing, itnot looks like a benefit, but this option is there for you.
5.ProfessionalstatusThey can join the city's talent cultivation projects and applyfor awards given to talents and experts.
Theycan also take part in professional qualification tests andregistration.
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