一个美国税务居民(包括公民,绿卡持有人,持合法工作签证工作的人,以及满足实际居留标准的人),如果收到超过价值$100,000美金的礼物或者钱,都需要填一张叫做 Form 3520 的表格申报,但这并不意味着你要缴税。在美国,一般会计师不愿意接手填这个表,因为一旦出现微小的错误,罚单就会来。比如忘记签字,填的金额不对,有平信寄出去,结果晚
答案在The Economist June 11th 2022 International “Justic in retreat--- Overruled” 这篇文章第二段可以找到。The Economist June 11th 2022 International查字典:blightn.1.(植物的)枯萎病,疫病2. 破坏因素;阴影v
be stuck at 被困在a ton 很多;大量China's economy has slumped as Covid cases surged in the world's most populous country. But Chinese consumers stuck at home are still spending.
(1) Counter 解;抵消适用于解辣、解腻这种“对抗、抵消”的情况。Drink some water to counter the spiciness.喝点水,解解辣。Drink some juice to counter the grease.喝点果汁,解解腻。(2) Take care of 解;解决适用于解渴、解馋这种“解决