Show sb. the door向某人展示门,其实我们在轰别人走的时候,就会站在门口打开门,希望他别再来了,所以在特定的语境中可理解为“解雇、炒鱿鱼”。My top banana showed me the door yesterday.我的大老板昨天炒了我的鱿鱼。Get the boot直译是得到一双靴子,Give sb. the
听到别人说“You got me”,可不要直接翻译成“你得到我”,因为这是一句情人间的告白。一起来看看真正的意思吧?1 “You got me(there)” 是什么意思?英文词典里是这样解释的:used to say that one doesn't have an answer, solution, etc.即:用来表达一个人没有答
有句话说,谣言已经走了半个地球,而事实还刚刚在穿鞋。人们坐在一起闲聊,天南地北,说长道短的,传播流言蜚语,这是很普遍的一种活动。美国有好多成语和俗语是形容这一方面的。例如:to shoot the breeze。To shoot就是发射、开枪、发炮等,breeze就是阵阵微风。To shoot the breeze这个习惯用语使人脑子里
夏天来了,最讨厌的除了酷热Heat,那就是到处飞来飞去的蚊子Mosquito了。“咬我”英语怎么说?要表达“咬”的话,你可以用到bite。If a snake or a small insect bites you, it makes a mark or hole in your skin, and often causes the s
抢了几个月厕纸以后,美国人总算不用抢厕纸了,然而又有一样日常所需的东西因为短缺而被迫限量配给,把美国各地的银行急得团团转,那就是:硬币。Photo by Steve Johnson on UnsplashJust as supplies of toilet paper are finally getting back to normal
"A和B结婚了"小编看到很多同学都是这么说的A is married with B其实,这样的说法又陷入了中式思维今天小编一次性帮大家理清楚marry的相关用法marry的用法be married to VS be married withbe married VS get married01. marrymarry是”及物动词“, 所
1. train of thought 思路train of thought,其实就是表示我们日常常说的“思路”,思路被打断,英语里面就可以翻译为——interrupted my train of thought。The phone ringing interrupted my train of thought.电话响起来打断了我的思路