看豪宅也能学英文 ~ 顶级名模“卡戴珊家族”的宅邸欣赏
网友【english】 2020-08-27 01:52:23 分享在【美国信息交流】版块    1    13

超级名模Kendall Jenner在洛杉矶打造了一个宁静的家,住宅以温暖,中性的色调和有机质地为特色。设计团队母子二人组Kathleen和Tommy Clements,以及无与伦比的Waldo Fernandez对这个24岁的超级巨星客户的期望并不十分了解。” 她的口味令人惊讶,比卡戴珊家族其他人更放荡不羁和时髦。她所描述的气氛是完全低调和脚踏实地的。”Tommy回忆起团队与Kendall的初次会面,据说Jenner是世界上薪水最高的模特。“肯德尔就是这样一个人,我们认为Kendall她可能会倾向于更华丽、更活泼的风格。我想我们都很兴奋地发现她的品味超越了她的年龄,”Kathleen补充说。Waldo Fernandez强调了这一观点:“我们认识很多人,他们旅行广泛,接触过很多东西,但什么也不会吸收。Kendall与众不同。她接受了一切,并对与她产生共鸣的事物充满信心。”。

Supermodel Kendall Jenner finds refuge in a serene Los Angeles home bathed in warm, neutral tones and organic textures. Design team—the mother-and-son duo Kathleen and Tommy Clements, plus the inimitable Waldo Fernandez—didn’t know quite what to expect from their 24-year-old superstar client. “Her taste was surprising, more bohemian and funky than the rest of her family. The mood she described was totally understated and down-to-earth,” Tommy recalls of the team’s initial meetings with Jenner, reportedly the highest-paid model in the world. “Being who she is, we thought Kendall might gravitate toward something more flashy, more va-va-voom. I think we were all thrilled to discover that she has taste beyond her years,” adds Kathleen. Fernandez punctuates the sentiment: “There are plenty of people we know who have traveled extensively and been exposed to so much but don’t absorb anything. Kendall is different. She takes everything in and is confident about the things that resonate with her,” he says.




“I like a house that has character. When I walked into this place, I was immediately drawn to the peaceful Spanish-y, farmhouse-y vibe,” Jenner notes, nicely summing up the hybridized, pan-Mediterranean architecture that proliferates in Los Angeles. “My life involves a lot of chaos and travel and high energy, so I wanted a home that feels serene, a place where I can simply zone out and relax,” she continues.




Jenner made few structural changes to the existing architecture, instead repurposing two of the five bedrooms into a pair of proper glam and fitting rooms. The living room perhaps best epitomizes the young model’s predilection for warm, organic textures, earthy tones, and eminently comfortable furnishings. With a cozy fireplace anchoring one end of the space, two broad sofas, stocked with a range of pillows in vintage textiles, offer ample room for visiting friends and family. “I’m not a huge party person. There aren’t a lot of ragers going on here,” Jenner says of her entertaining style. “I like turning on music, lighting the fireplace and candles, and watching NBA games with my friends.”



烹饪也是詹纳主持节目的重要组成部分。“这栋房子促使我花更多的时间在厨房里。我一直在努力提高我的厨艺。在这一点上,我是一个相当不错的厨师,”她承认。“凯莉和我非常幸运,能得到姐姐和妈妈的指导,我们的妈妈真的很有主见。他们都给了我关于如何布置厨房和浴室以达到最大效率的可靠建议。他们还告诉我,房子永远都是在不断完善的过程中,”她补充道。她指的是她的兄弟姐妹金·卡戴珊、Kourtney Kardashian和Khloe Kardashian,以及她那位高权重的母亲,家族的女族长Kris Jenner。

Cooking, too, is an essential part of the Jenner hosting program. “This house has prompted me to spend more time in the kitchen. I’m always in there trying to up my chef game. At this point, I’m a pretty good cook,” she avows. “Kylie and I were super-lucky to have guidance from our older sisters and a mom who really has her s**t together. They all gave me solid advice on how to set up my kitchen and bath for maximum efficiency. They also taught me that a house is always a work in progress,” she adds, referring to her siblings Kim, Kourtney, and Khloé Kardashian, as well as her high-powered mother, Kris Jenner, the matriarch of the clan.


与家具和饰面柔和的色调形成鲜明对比的是,詹纳的当代艺术收藏品——包括Barbara Kruger、(Richard Prince、Raymond Pettibon和Sterling红宝石的作品——为这个组合增添了不少震撼的色彩。就在入口旁边,James Turrel标志性的卵形墙壁雕塑以梦幻般的彩色显示器迎接着游客,电脑编程的LED灯不断闪烁,使雕塑变得生动活泼。“我一直是Turrel的超级粉丝。我是由与他合作的我的姐夫坎耶介绍认识他的作品的,”詹纳解释说。“我想让这件作品成为整个房子的焦点,把它放在这里让我兴奋极了。”

In contrast to the subdued palette of the furniture and finishes, Jenner’s collection of contemporary art—which includes works by Barbara Kruger, Richard Prince, Raymond Pettibon, and Sterling Ruby—adds some serious jolts of color to the mix. Just off the entry, a signature James Turrell ovoid wall sculpture, animated by shifting, computer-programmed LED lights, greets visitors with a dreamy chromatic display. “I’ve always been a huge Turrell fan. I was introduced to his work by [my brother-in-law] Kanye [West], who collaborates with him,” Jenner explains. “I wanted this piece to be a focal point of the house, and I’m so hyped to have it here.”



在她卧室的休息区,Tracey Emin的霓虹灯雕塑与一对18世纪意大利彩绘门板意外地对开。“我小时候住在不同的房子里,都有这些嵌板。我是在我妈妈清理她的一个储物空间时留下来的。它们把我带回了童年,”詹纳说。尽管有怀旧之情,但设计师们并没有立即对这些门的适用性产生信心。“我们都用这种‘我不知道’的表情看着对方,因为他们似乎不太合群。但当这个房间最终成型时,我们喜欢它的样子。这真是肯达尔的眼光的明证,”汤米坚持说。

In the sitting area of her bedroom, a Tracey Emin neon sculpture faces off unexpectedly with a pair of 18th-century Italian painted door panels. “I grew up with those panels in the various homes we lived in. I asked for them when my mom was cleaning out one of her storage spaces. They bring me back to my childhood,” Jenner says. Nostalgia notwithstanding, the designers weren’t immediately convinced about the suitability of the doors. “We all gave each other this ‘I don’t know’ look because they didn’t seem to fit in. But when the room finally came together, we loved how it turned out. It’s really a testament to Kendall’s eye,” Tommy insists.




对于Jenner公开谈论自己与焦虑和惊恐发作的斗争而言,镶板,就像她在家里曾经的家庭影院中安装的工艺室一样,仅仅是她努力营造出一种舒缓庇护所的另一个方面。在T台表演和狗仔队的残酷聚光灯下,她的职业生涯简直风风雨雨。 “我为我们在这里取得的成就感到非常自豪。她说:“这是我完成的第一套房子,我真正地反映了我是谁,我喜欢什么。” “最后,我仍然是洛杉矶的一位年轻女性,只是想找点乐子。”

For Jenner, who has spoken publicly about her battle with anxiety and panic attacks, the panels, like the arts-and-crafts room she installed in the home’s erstwhile home theater, are simply one more facet of her efforts to fashion a soothing refuge from the hurly-burly of her professional life under the harsh spotlight of runway shows and paparazzi. “I’m really proud of what we accomplished here. This is the first home I’ve done completely, and I think it’s a genuine reflection of who I am and what I like,” she says. “In the end, I’m still a young female in L.A., just trying to have some fun.”








除了Kendall Jenner,设计师Kathleen和Tommy Clements还为她的母亲,卡戴珊家族“掌门人”Kris Jenner打造了的豪宅。尽管Kris Jenner已经建立了一个生活在聚光灯下的帝国,她的个人避难所是专门为安静休息而设计的,而不是电视剧。整个住宅视野极其开阔,能感受到日式“禅”的意境,身处空间内,身心都能放松平静。

In addition to Kendall Jenner, designers Kathleen and Tommy Clements have also built a house for her mother, Kris Jenner, the 'head of the Kardashian family'. Although Kris Jenner has built an empire living in the spotlight, her personal refuge was designed specifically for peaceful repose, not television drama. The whole house has a wide view and can feel the artistic conception of Japanese "Zen". In the space, both body and mind can relax and calm.



“I’ve been collecting furniture and making houses for a lifetime. I’ve had so many different types of homes in so many different styles,” Jenner recalls, laughing at the memory of some of her earlier efforts. “In the ’80s, my bedroom looked like a lavender-chintz supplier threw up all over it. Robert Kardashian was such a good sport,” she adds, referring to her then-husband and father of Kourtney, Kim, Khloé, and Rob.





These days, after many years under the spotlight of rabid paparazzi, Jenner craves an off-ramp from the fast lane. “I don’t enjoy going out as much as I used to. My job is so hectic and chaotic. I’m always running a million miles an hour. I wanted my home to feel like a sanctuary, perfectly calm and peaceful,” she explains.






To the amazement of her designers, Jenner outlined her vision for a Zenlike refuge and then left the interpretation of that mandate in the hands of her team. “She said that it’s not necessarily in her nature, but that she’d trust us completely to do what we think is right,” Kathleen recalls. Tommy puts a finer point on the subject: “Kris is a total boss. That’s what makes her so successful. She doesn’t ponder and worry. She makes a decision and moves on,” he says.





“Kris has genuinely sophisticated taste. The Prouvé daybed, the Jeanneret chairs, the Lalannes—these are all things she came with. This house was a great opportunity for her to express her love of art and design,” observes Fernandez. As for the nature of his collaboration with the Clementses, the legendary Hollywood decorator avows: “We all trust and respect each other’s taste, so it’s not like anyone was going to bring something hideous to the table. Working together allowed us to approach the project from a fresh perspective.”










As for her own divine hideaway, Jenner’s primary response is gratitude. “I had complete faith in the designers. When it was time for the big reveal, I walked into the house and cried. Every single space gives me pleasure. Every time you turn a corner, you find something beautiful, something delicious,” she says. “I truly can’t wait to come home every day.”

About The Kardashian Family



The Kardashians areone of New York's best-known socialites. The Kardashians enjoy high prestigeand status in American sports and entertainment circles, and are known as theKennedys of entertainment. The Reality show is hugely popular in the US, with"Keeping Up with the Kardashians" alone averaging 3.5 million viewersa week. The Kardashians raked in $65 million in 2010, according to mediareports. Us media have summed up the 'Kardashian effect', saying that if aplayer finds a Kardashian girl as his girlfriend, his team will win thechampionship.

卡戴珊家族在美国体育圈和娱乐圈享有很高的声望和地位,也是纽约知名的名媛家族。卡戴珊家族很善于经营,在将名望转化为经济利益方面可谓登峰造极。据相关媒体统计报道,2010年卡戴珊家族疯狂揽金6500万美元。在“妈妈经理”Kris Jenner的精心管理下,卡戴珊家族的成员个个都成了“吸金机器”。卡戴珊家族总共有10名成员,分别是父亲Robert Kardashian、母亲Kris Jenner、继父Bruce Jenner、大女儿Kourtney Kardashian、二女儿Kim kardashian和老公Kenye West、三女儿Khloe Kardashian、小儿子Rob Kardashian、四女儿Kendall Jenner和小女儿Kylie Jenner,其中Kendall和Kylie是卡戴珊姐妹同母异父的妹妹。

The Kardashians arefamous in the US sports and entertainment world and are one of New York'sbest-known socialites. The Kardashians are very business like and at their bestwhen it comes to turning fame into financial gain. The Kardashians raked in $65million in 2010, according to media reports. Under the careful management of"mom manager" Kris Jenner, the Kardashians are all cash machines.There are 10 members of the Kardashian family, including father Robert Kardashian,mother Kris Jenner, stepfather Bruce Jenner, eldest daughter KourtneyKardashian, second daughter Kim Kardashian and husband Kenye West, thirddaughter Khloe Kardashian, youngest son Rob Kardashian, fourth daughter KendallJenner and youngest daughter Kylie Jenner. Kendall and Kylie are thehalf-sisters of the Kardashians.

About Clements Design

Kathleen(母)&Tommy Clements(子)

在设计史上,夫妻搭档并不少见,但母子团队确实很少见。 Kathleen和Tommy Clements通过为娱乐圈中的许多最亮丽的明星精心设计富有层次感,精心策划和宜居的住宅,建立了他们的强大室内设计公司Clements Design。

In the annals of design history, husband-and-wife collaborators are not uncommon, but a mother-and-son team is rare indeed. Kathleen and Tommy Clements have built their powerhouse interior-design firm by crafting richly layered, finely curated, and eminently livable homes for many of the brightest luminaries in the notoriously fickle world of entertainment.

他们的客户名流云集,包括Ellen DeGeneres和Portia de Rossi。Bruno Mars; 珍妮弗·劳伦斯; 亚当·莱文和Behati Prinsloo;Scooter和Yael Braun;Kris Jenner以及演员杰西卡·阿尔芭和Barry Schwartz。无论他们设计的是一栋新帕拉第亚式别墅,还是一栋时髦的现代宅邸,Clements Design都采用了同样直截了当、朴实无华的设计理念:“不要想得太多。”

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13   2020-08-27 01:52:23  回复

回复/评论:看豪宅也能学英文 ~ 顶级名模“卡戴珊家族”的宅邸欣赏

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