双语阅读分享 ~ 美国已不再是中国留学生的首选
网友【english】 2020-09-20 05:27:23 分享在【美国信息交流】版块    1    6

As the Trump administration continues to destroy China-US relations and foster a xenophobic environment in the US, Chinese students, the largest group of international students in the country, are giving up their preference for American universities.


1. administration与government 的区别:

administration更倾向于表示“ 当局 ”这个意思。如文章中的川普当局:Trump administration,指的就是川普这一届人。
government 更倾向于表明中央政府这个观念,美国政府:US government。需要注意的是,没有Trump government这种说法。

2. xenophobic /ˌzenəˈfəʊbɪk/

ADJ If you describe someone as xenophobic, you disapprove of them because they show strong dislike or fear of people from other countries. 排外的; 有恐外症的;恐惧外国人的。

例句:German voters, egged on (怂恿;蛊惑)by xenophobic tabloid headlines, do not want to pay for theGreek social contract.


3. give (a) preference to sb.

to treat sb/sth in a way that gives them an advantage over other people or things 给…以优惠;优待

Preference will be given to graduates of this university. 这所大学的毕业生会获得优先考虑。


"Our company lost about 30 percent of student clients this year," Shi Qing, a senior consultant offering services for Chinese students applying for foreign colleges, told the Global Times.Shi works in a high-end consultancy in Beijing which used to cater exclusively to students applying to study at American universities, but is now expanding its businesses to offer services for college applications to other regions.


1. high-end 高端的,高档的

high-end consultancy/brand/market 高端咨询/品牌/市场

2. used to、be used to do、be used to doing区别

1) used to表过去常常做某事,但是现在不做了。后加动词原形。

She used to iron his shirts.


Am I right in thinking that you used to live here?


2) be used to do 被用来做某事

A lot of our land is used to grow crops for export.


The knife is used to cut meat.


3) be used to doing 习惯做某事.这里的to是介词,要加ing。

He was used to talking his way out of tight corners.


I'm not used to eating so much at lunchtime.


3.cater to 迎合;为…服务

They only publish novels which cater to the mass-market.


4.expand business 拓展业务

They conferred on the best way to expand business.


拓展表达:branch out v. 长出枝条;扩展范围;偏离主题

Start with a small segment of your application, and gradually branch out to the rest as timepermits.


"The COVID19 pandemic and China-US tensions are the two major reasons for the decline in our clients. The US' handling of COVID-19 was much worse than we had expected, some students who earlier decided to postpone their enrollment are now considering dropping their applications to go to the US," Shi said.

Recently the US even revoked visas for more than 1,000 Chinese nationals under a presidential measure by Trump .



1. enrollment n.登记;入伍

A record number of enrollment deposits pushed the yield rate to nearly 50%.


2. drop

drop 我们熟知的意思就是【下降】、【低落】。这里有着新用法。

v. to stop doing or discussing sth; to not continue with sth 停止;终止;放弃

Drop everything and come at once! 放下所有事情赶快来吧!

3. revoke v. /rɪˈvəʊk/

to officially cancel sth so that it is no longer valid 取消;废除;使无效

Be sure that you check, enforce, grant, and revoke permissions at runtime.


4. national

我一直以为national只有形容词的用法,今天看了这篇文,才发现它也是名词,表a citizen of a particular country (某国的)公民

Polish nationals living in Germany 生活在德国的波兰公民

Lisa Zhang, a teacher of a Beijing-based international high school, told the Global Times.

" it is possible that the US government may further announce new restrictions on Chinese students, which is simply too risky for them."

The Trump-led US authority seems to not mind cultivating hatred among different races which inevitably will poison the social environment including the campuses.



1. announce/declare/claim的区别

announce:通知,宣布(结果,决定等)。 比较正式。

declare:“宣布(公告,法律, (在击球员还未全部出局时)宣布结束赛局)等,声明”。较announce正式。

claim:用于发表个人意见, 索赔等

You know, our firm is going to announce tender (n.投标;adj.柔弱的)for the order of two tanker.

您知道, 本公司打算招标订购两艘油轮.

We hereby declare any, to appeal or review any aforesaid decisions through judicial or administrative proceedings.

我们在此声明, 不会经司法或行政方式申请上诉或复审上述提及之裁决.

Workers who have been unfairly dismissed may claim compensation.


2. hatred

a very strong feeling of dislike for sb/sth 仇恨;憎恨;厌恶

a profound hatred of war 对战争的深恶痛绝

racial hatred 种族仇恨

3. poison /ˈpɔɪzn/


to have a bad effect on sth 毒化;败坏;使恶化

His comment served only to poison the atmosphere still further. 他的评论只有使气氛更加恶化。

"Statistics from the US show that Chinese students, accounting for one third of all foreign students in the US, contribute over $15 billion to the country every year," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said.

"Regrettably, however, out of selfish gains and political motives, some extremist, anti-China forces have been suppressing China's strategic development, making numerous lies to stigmatize and demonize Chinese students, and even oppressing Chinese students in the US by abusing judicial power under baseless pretexts.

Under such circumstances, I wonder how many Chinese parents can still see their children studying in the US without worrying," Hua said.




1. accounting for


Computers account for 5% of the country's commercial electricity consumption.


2) 对…做出解释;说明……的原因

How do you account for the company's alarmingly high staff turnover?


3) 对…负责

The president and the president alone must account for his government's reforms.


4) 列入预算

The really heavy costs have been accounted for.


2. stigmatize /ˈstɪɡmətaɪz/

v. to treat sb in a way that makes them feel that they are very bad or unimportant 使感到羞耻;侮蔑

They both ratify(批准;认可) and stigmatize certain behaviors.


3. demonize /ˈdiːmənaɪz/

v. to describe sb/sth in a way that is intended to make other people think of them or it as evil or dangerous 把…描绘成魔鬼(或危险人物等);将…妖魔化

He was demonized by the right-wing press. 他被右翼报章描写成了魔鬼。

4. oppress /əˈpres/

1) v. to treat sb in a cruel and unfair way, especially by not giving them the same freedom, rights, etc. as other people 压迫;欺压;压制

The regime is accused of oppressing religious minorities. 人们指控这个政权压迫少数宗教信徒。

2) V. to make sb only able to think about sad or worrying things 压抑;使窒息;使烦恼

The gloomy atmosphere in the office oppressed her. 办公室的低沉气氛使她感到郁闷

5. baseless /ˈbeɪsləs/

adj. not supported by good reasons or facts 无根据的;无缘无故的

The rumours were completely baseless. 那些谣传毫无根据。

6. pretext /ˈpriːtekst/

N. a false reason that you give for doing sth, usually sth bad, in order to hide the real reason; an excuse 借口;托词

The incident was used as a pretext for intervention in the area. 这次事件成了干涉那个地区的借口。

He left the party early on the pretext of having work to do. 他借口有事要处理,早早离开了聚会。

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