而“充电宝”说白了就是个便携式充电器,英语表达:Portable charger,portable表示轻便的,可携带的。
除此之外,你还可能看到以下英文表达表示“充电宝”:Power bank.
看下国外测评网站对各种portable charger的英文描述吧:
If you're looking for a high capacity charger that's portable, the iMuto 20,000mAh portable charger may be for you.
如果您正在寻找便携式的大容量充电器,则iMuto 20,000mAh便携式充电器可能适合您。
* 首先需要注意capacity容量,high-capacity大容量,low-capacity小容量。
It offers a 20,000mAh capacity that will be able to charge your average smartphone over four times.
* charge your phone four times 充电四次
This power bank features two ports so you can charge both your phone and your tablet.
* 注意:我们插充电线的口叫做port。
出处:头条号 @卡片山谷英语