网友【english】 2022-02-26 13:13:32 分享在【美国信息交流】版块    1    1

Leave the comfort of your home and go to the place where they speak nothing but the language that you want to learn. Then live there for the next 6-12 months.


It might be painful and lonely at times but you will surely learn how to speak the language and enjoy some memorable experiences. "Immersion"


Perhaps easier and also effective is immersion or when you learn a new language through exposure and context. So, for example, if you are learning Italian, do so in a Pizzeria.


You can try to read the menu or maybe even go as far as order in Italian. Antipasti, Pizza Tonno, or Gelato anybody?


"Mnemonics" Mnemonics, is a method to learn new vocabulary by creating an association that makes it easy to remember.


For example, let's say you want to remember the French word “chou”, which means “cabbage” in English. “Chou” is pronounced like “shoe” in English, so you could imagine putting cabbages on your feet instead of shoes.

例如,你想记住法语单词“chou”,在英语中的意思是“卷心菜”。Chou 在英语里的发音和 shoe 很像,所以你可以想象把白菜放在脚上而不是鞋子。

Then, when you need to remember “cabbage”, your brain will think “cabbage -> shoes -> chou”. "Scriptorium"

然后,当你要记住“卷心菜”时,你的大脑会想到“卷心菜->鞋子 ->卷心菜”。“缮写”

Scriptorium is an exercise in writing. Students write the language while simultaneously speaking it out loud.


Before you write a sentence you should first read it out loud, second say each word aloud again as you write it, and third read the sentence aloud again after you have written it. The purpose of this exercise is to force yourself to slow down and pay attention to detail and then review unknown words and refresh your grammar.


"Shadowing" Shadowing is used to learn vocabulary.


You listen to new words through headphones and try to repeat, to “shadow” them out loud as quickly as you can. Inventor Alexander Arguelles, who speaks 50 languages, suggests that you do it while walking swiftly to maximize alertness and blood flow!


"Tech and Apps" If you want to learn a new language, but you don't have anybody who can help, check out whats available online.


DuoLingo for example teaches many languages entirely for free. Its fun and effective as they make you practice reading, writing, listening and speaking.

例如,DuoLingo 免费教授多种语言。它既有趣又有效,因为它让你练习读、写、听、说。

Quizlet is great tool to study vocabulary. It allows you to explore audio supported flashcards.

Quizlet 是学习词汇的好工具。它允许您探索音频支持的抽认卡。

So you can learn new words and get the pronunciation right. "Get a Study-buddy"


If you are not into technology and would rather learn with others, do what popular YouTuber Timothy Doner aka Polyglot Pal recommends. Connect with people from around the world to teach and learn from each other via Skype.

如果你对科技不感兴趣,而更愿意和别人一起学习,那么按照流行的YouTuber 蒂莫西·多纳(也就是Polyglot Pal)的建议去做。通过 Skype 与来自世界各地的人们联系,互相教授和学习。

Its one of the things that worked for him and he already speaks 20 languages and he's not even 18. Thanks for watching.


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