1. 介绍与人物关系
错误:This is my lover.
正确:This is my girlfriend/boyfriend.(lover在英语中有情人、情妇的含义,通常不用来介绍恋人)
2. 描述物品与状态
错误:The new office is very wide.
正确:The new office is very spacious.(spacious更侧重于空间的宽敞感)
错误:I like heavy coffee.
正确:I like strong coffee.(在英语中,描述咖啡的浓度通常用strong)
3. 时间与等待
错误:I was waiting by 3:00.
正确:I was waiting until 3:00.(until表示等待到某个时间点)
4. 购物与交易
错误:Price down?
正确:Can I get a discount?(更礼貌且地道的表达方式)
5. 情感与性格
错误:He is emotional.
正确:He is sensitive.(emotional更偏向于情绪化,而sensitive则指细腻、敏感)
6. 社交与活动
错误:I want to play with my friends tonight.
正确:I want to hang out/go out with my friends tonight.(hang out或go out更常用于描述与朋友外出活动)
错误:She came here newly.
正确:She's new here.(newly通常不用来修饰时间或地点)
7. 餐饮与食物
错误:He drank all of his soup.
正确:He ate all of his soup.(在英语中,soup通常被视为食物的一种,因此用eat或have更合适)
8. 询问与选择
错误:How do you think?
正确:What do you think?(用于询问对方的看法或意见)
错误:Which do you select?
正确:Which do you choose?(choose更常用于表示选择)
9. 工作与职业
错误:What is your job?
正确:What do you do for a living?(后者更广泛,可以询问对方的职业或工作内容)
10. 交通与出行
错误:Get on the car.
正确:Get in the car.(进入轿车内部用get in)
错误:get in the bus
正确:get on the bus.(上公共汽车用get on)
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