impeccable无错误的;无瑕疵的;完美的adjective im-PECK-uh-bulDefinition1:free from fault or blame : flawless没有过错或没有责任:无瑕的2:not capable of sinning or liable to sin不犯错的或不容易出错的ExamplesAl
昨天在网上看到了一则川普大叔的新闻,题目是《Trump's niece has an ax to grind, but she seems on target about his bullying behavior 特朗普的侄女居心叵测,但她似乎对特朗普恃强凌弱的行为毫不留情》,内容是这样的~【President Trump's nie
01. 餐厅点餐实用对话☛ 准备点餐You: May I have a menu, please?请给我看一下菜单?Waiter: Would you like to order now?您想要现在点单吗?You: I'd like to order later.我待会再点。Waiter: OK, when you are ready.