Customs Officers are quite tolerant these days, but they can still stop you when you are going through the Green Channel and have nothing to declare.现在的海关官员往往相当宽容。但是,当你通
The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense wall of ice which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her. Suddenly, there was a slight trembling so
最近听到一个英语表达非常地神奇,因为每一个单词我都认识,但是凑在一起,我就不认识是啥意思了,这个表达就叫做that is that。That大家都知道是表示那个的意思,那that’s that是“那个就是那个”吗?到底是哪个啊,啥意思?That’s that!当我们说that is that表达的是:There is no more t
很多朋友会说"add"是“加”,"work"是“工作”,"add work"表示加班没什么毛病啊,此刻我只想说一句,求求你们放过我吧!加班,用英语怎么说?work overtime(动词)overtime work(名词)这两个加班的短语除了词性上有点区别,都表示加班加点(工作),超过规定时间的工作。例句:He would work o
What Is Going on? What’s up? How Is it Going? 都是问候语,他们的用法区别是什么?老师解答:这三个问候语经常用于 问候某人(通常是您认识的某人)。举个例子:您在商店遇到了一个已经好一段时间没见过的朋友了。“Hi, Dave!” you say. “Good to see you again.
以前我们分享过man flu,意思是说你夸大了自己的病症(flu是流感),想得太多;还有a man Friday,指的是得力助手。英语中还有很多和man组合在一起的词,毕竟man是个很常见的单词。比如说,man是男人,hole是洞,那“manhole”是啥意思?你不一定猜得到哦1)Manhole讲manhole这个词,主要是它的构成很有