全英文阅读 ~ 图书馆收到72年前外借图书(中等水平)
网友【english】 2021-02-16 10:30:02 分享在【美国信息交流】版块    1    4

Man Returns Book to Library 72 Years Late

Libraries are used to books being returned one or two days late. But one book was recently returned to a library in New York almost 72 years after it was due back.

The book is a first edition of Great Heart: The Life Story of Theodore Roosevelt from 1919. It was taken out of the Amagansett Free Library, and was due back on April 5, 1949.

John Moss, who lives in Mattituck, New York, found it in a box of his books. He said he wasn't sure if he got the book while cleaning his parents' house after his mother died in 2013, or if he bought it at a yard sale.

全英文阅读 ~ 图书馆收到72年前外借图书(中等水平)

Each week, Moss visits a village near the library to see family, so he decided to take the book back. "I thought it would be fun to return it," Moss told The East Hampton Star.

Library director Lauren Nichols said the library used to charge one cent each day a book was late, meaning the book would have cost Moss about $262. However, the library stopped charging late fees in May 2020.

"The book is in very good condition for being over 100 years old," said Nichols. She said there's something magical about a library book finding its way home after such a long time.

In Canada, another library book was recently returned that was 82 years late. Jordan Musycsyn found a copy of The Adventures of Doctor Dolittle while doing some work on his house. The book was taken out of the Cape Breton Regional Library in Nova Scotia in 1939.


1. Did John Moss borrow the book from the library?

2. Was Moss charged a late fee for the book?

3. What condition was the book in when it was returned?


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